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- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 31st 2004 - "Tiffany and Starlene snoop through stripper Deanna's closet. They get the shock of their lives."
- New York Readio® Home - December 30th 2004 - "New York City, Times Square".
- NYC Clickers Daily New York City Tours - "Hilton Hotel Times Square Hotels NYC Hotels".
- Zoom Zone Daily New York City Pictures - "Dream Hotel Broadway Times Square Hotels".
- Doctor Delicious Daily NYC Chef Recipes - "Bread Pudding with Custard Sauce".
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 30th 2004 - "Starlene's visiting her sister Tiffany. Starlene decides it's time to find out where Tiffany's roommate stripper Deanna got all that money. She goes to Deanna's closet and looks..."
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 29th 2004 - "Starlene visits Tiffany. Tiffany tells her sister about stripper Deanna's endless amout of cash. What's going on?"
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 28th 2004 - "Tiffany gets a surprise visit from her roommate stripper Deanna."
- New York Readio® Home - December 27th 2004 - "At Home in Greenwich Village".
- NYC Clickers Daily New York City Tours - "Washington Square Hotels New York Hotels".
- Zoom Zone Daily New York City Pictures - "Millennium Broadway Hotel, Times Square Hotels".
- Doctor Delicious Daily NYC Chef Recipes - "Goat Cheese & Tomato Bruschetta".
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 27th 2004 - "Tiffany and Starlene compare notes on their Christmas experience. They're puzzled and angry by their men's selection of gifts."
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 24th 2004 - "Tiffany's roommate stripper Deanna gave her an envelope for Christmas. Tiffany gets a surprise."
- New York Readio® Home - December 23rd 2004 - "Christmas in New York City".
- NYC Clickers Daily New York City Tours - "New York Palace Hotel, Hotels New York City".
- Zoom Zone Daily New York City Pictures - "Millennium Broadway Hotel, Hotels Times Square".
- Doctor Delicious Daily NYC Chef Recipes - "Orange Fruitcake".
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 23rd 2004 - "Stripper Deanna and Tiffany have a heart to heart. Can Deanna be trusted with Tiffany's man?"
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 22nd 2004 - "Skeeter and Deanna are alone and things are getting a little "too close" for comfort."
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 21st 2004 - "Tiffany accidently told Skeeter that her roommate Deanna has money. Will Skeeter go after Deanna's money?"
- New York Readio® Home - December 20th 2004 - "Holiday Season NYC".
- NYC Clickers Daily New York City Tours - "Pennsylvania Hotel, Hotels New York City".
- Zoom Zone Daily New York City Pictures - "Southgate Tower Suites Hotel, NYC Hotels".
- Doctor Delicious Daily NYC Chef Recipes - "Roast Leg of Lamb".
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 20th 2004 - "Tiffany found out that Skeeter was alone in his apartment with stripper Deanna. Skeeter tries to talk his way out of trouble."
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 17th 2004 - "Tiffany's very upset over her roommate Deanna being alone next door with Skeeter. Skeeter's sick of it all and takes action."
- New York Readio® Home - December 16th 2004 - "New York City - America’s Big City".
- NYC Clickers Daily New York City Tours - "Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City Hotels".
- Zoom Zone Daily New York City Pictures - "New York Apartment Hotels, Lucerne Hotel".
- Doctor Delicious Daily NYC Chef Recipes - "Gingersnap Ice Cream Cookies".
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 16th 2004 - "Tiffany goes next door to Skeeter's apartment to find out what's going on between Skeeter and stripper Deanna. What will she find?"
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 15th 2004 - "Starlene can't find Vinny. Tiffany's worried that stripper Deanna is next door alone with Skeeter."
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 14th 2004 - "Tiffany talks to Starlene about Deanna and Skeeter. Starlene's ready to help her sister with her love problems."
- New York Readio® Home - December 13th 2004 - "Downtown New York City Neighborhoods".
- NYC Clickers Daily New York City Tours - "Tribeca Grand Hotel, New York City Hotels".
- Zoom Zone Daily New York City Pictures - "Benjamin Hotel New York Apartment Hotels".
- Doctor Delicious Daily NYC Chef Recipes - "Spoon Bread".
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 13th 2004 - "Deanna tries to make Tiffany feel more secure by offering money. Tiffany's worry only increases."
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 10th 2004 - "Tiffany is ready to evict her stripper roommate Deanna. Deanna has late breaking news."
- New York Readio® Home - December 9th 2004 - "Life Among New York City Skyscrapers".
- NYC Clickers Daily New York City Tours - "Pennsylvania Hotel, New York City Hotels".
- Zoom Zone Daily New York City Pictures - "Grand Hyatt Hotels, New York City Hotels".
- Doctor Delicious Daily NYC Chef Recipes - "Peanut Butter Cream Pie".
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 9th 2004 - "Tiffany and Starlene discuss Deanna and Tiffany's plan to get rid of her."
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 8th 2004 - "Tiffany and Starlene finally get to talk to Deanna about what happened when she was alone in the apartment with Skeeter. A tell all?"
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 7th 2004 - "Starlene and Tiffany try to figure out if the stripper Deanna has a shady past."
- New York Readio® Home - December 6th 2004 - "New York City - The Village, Funk & Fun".
- NYC Clickers Daily New York City Tours - "NYC Washington Square Hotels, NYC Hotels".
- Zoom Zone Daily New York City Pictures - "NYC Soho Grand Hotel, Hotels New York City".
- Doctor Delicious Daily NYC Chef Recipes - "Crab Soup".
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 6th 2004 - "Deanna catches Tiffany home alone and in tears. Tiffany wants to know if Deanna had a fling with Skeeter. Will she find out?"
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 3rd 2004 - "Mafia Vinny visits Tiffany and they discuss his relationship with her roommate, stripper Deanna."
- New York Readio® Home - December 2nd 2004 - "New York City Favorites".
- NYC Clickers Daily New York City Tours - "NYC Hotels Plaza Hotel, New York City Hotels".
- Zoom Zone Daily New York City Pictures - "Southgate Tower Suites Hotel, Hotels NYC".
- Doctor Delicious Daily NYC Chef Recipes - "Chocolate Chip Walnut Pie".
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 2nd 2004 - "Tiffany and her ex-husband Skeeter have it out over his renting her extra bedroom to stripper Deanna, while she was out of town."
- Daily Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - December 1st 2004 - "Tiffany and Starlene discuss their men problems. Can Tiffany live with a roommate that's a stripper?"
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