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It's almost an impossible task to decide which side of Manhattan is best. Here are just a few of the sights. Top right picture was taken on Second Avenue in the E. 50's on the East Side of town. In the skyline you see two East Side skyscrapers, the Citicorp Building and the Lipstick Building.
From the West Side, it's hard to beat the views of Central Park from the famous Dakota apartment building pictured second right. The Dakota was built in 1884 and is still one of NYC's most exclusive apartment buildings.
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The East Side has a lot of high-rises too, here you see a few skyscrapers on Third Avenue.
Fourth picture you see more East Side sights; Park Avenue and the Met Life Building. In the center you see Grand Central Station where New Yorkers can catch the Times Square shuttle subway train from one side of town to the other.
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Fifth Avenue is the dividing line between the East Side and the West Side. Fifth picture you see the arch of Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village. Through the center of the arch is Fifth Avenue. Thus, an East Village and a West Village.
One of the most famous West Side areas is Times Square. Sixth picture you see Broadway. In all of Manhattan there is nothing like Times Square. For that matter there's nothing like Times Square anywhere on earth. There are the wonderful Broadway shows, the neon signs, the shopping, restaurants and plenty of people watching. If you long for excitement then this is the place for you. Of all of the areas of NYC this is the one place you must visit often.
Why don't you decide for yourself which side of NYC is best. You can stay in NYC for a lot less! Bottom picture you see our featured hotel the Benjamin Hotel. The Benjamin Hotel is a midtown condo apartment hotel with kitchenettes. For the guaranteed lowest rates on hotels of all prices, including vacation and extended stay hotels, click here. To see our listings for guaranteed lowest prices on NYC hotels or hotels worldwide, click here or call 1-800-525-1350.
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