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New York Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Pictures 02/03/04 : Broadway Shows, Hilton Hotel NYC, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Midtown "On the Move in Manhattan" Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
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No matter where you move around in Manhattan you see great sights. Top right picture you see 42nd Street in Midtown. Far left you see Grand Central Station. Far right is the Chrysler Building and in between you see the Grand Hyatt Hotel.
Second left picture is the Bus Stop Café in the West Village.
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Third picture you see was taken from Battery Park. The tall building is Smith Barney and to the far left you see the Empire State Building.
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Fourth picture you see the Petit Restaurant in the Meat Packing District on the West Side of Manhattan. As you can see each neighborhood is very unique.
Fifth picture you see Sheep Meadow in Central Park. This is where New Yorkers come to enjoy nature.
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