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New York Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Photos for 12/29/03 : Grand Hyatt New York Hotel, Broadway, Times Square, Chrysler "Manhattan Moods" Tour Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
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Every neighborhood in Manhattan casts it's own special mood. Here are a few of the sights. Top right picture you see 42nd Street in midtown. From left to right you see Grand Central Station, Grand Hyatt Hotel, and the Chrysler Building.
Second picture you see Fifth Avenue where the mood is always shopping. Here you see Escada and Hugo Boss.
Third picture you see a horse and carriage in Central Park. This is one of the most romantic and beautiful rides you can take.
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Fourth picture you see a narrow street downtown in Chinatown. This is like another world inside of NYC. You'll find the most wonderful stores selling everything from china, silk pajamas, herbs, fruits, seafood, and electronics. If you enjoy bargaining then you're in the right place. Few items in Chinatown really cost as they are priced, so ask for a better deal.
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Fifth picture you see West Broadway in Soho. When it comes to bargains this is the other extreme. Soho is trendy and pricey. Expect to see the best because you will.
Bottom picture you see Broadway in Times Square. The Theatre District is gearing up for the big New Year's Eve party. However, this area is always a big party!
Click here for the next page on today's New York City photo tour.
