Readio® New York Window Galleries™ New York Pakistan Parade pictures on Madison Ave feature pictures of Miss Pakistan, South Asian women, the Pakistan Democratic Front, The Thinker Dr. Mohammed Iqbad, Pakistani people, families, floats, costumes, the Metropolitan Life Insurance float, the Pakistani Community float, and the Western Union float.
Pakistani family at New York parade.
Pakistan Parade on Madison Ave.
Pakistani-American parade goers.
Pakistan Independence Day Float.
South Asian Women in Parade Madison Avenue.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Met Life Float.
Pakistani women on float.
Miss Pakistan on Madison Avenue.
Pakistani Marcher on Madison Ave.
Pakistani Women on Madison Ave.
Over Seas Pakistan Democratic Front on float in NYC.
Pakistani people at Pakistan Day Parade in New York.
Dr. Muhammad Iqbad on The Thinker Float.
Pakistan Community Float Madison Avenue.
Pakistani family watch parade.
Western Union Float Madison Ave.