Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Thursday May 26th 2005 "Why don't you put on some music and I'll get us a bottle of wine," Tiffany said as she walked towards the kitchen of her Bleecker Street apartment. "It's hard to believe that only a few weeks ago I moved into my new office in the Empire State Building," Jake said as he looked through the basket of CDs on Tiffany's entertainment center. "I know. It's really exciting. Your new business is really taking off," Tiffany called out from the kitchen as she looked through a drawer for the corkscrew. "Yeah, things are really falling into place for me," he said as he put the CD in and walked towards the sofa. "Things are falling into place for both of us," Tiffany said as she walked into the living room carrying a tray with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "It was really nice having dinner with your sister and her husband tonight," Jake said referring to Starlene and Stanley. "It was nice. I enjoyed it too. Maybe one night I can make dinner for the four of us," Tiffany said. "That would be great," Jake said taking the glass of wine she offered him. "To us," Tiffany said touching his glass before taking a drink. "I can't believe all my good luck," he said before placing his glass on the coffee table. "I hope I'm part of what makes you feel lucky," Tiffany said putting her wineglass on the coffee table beside his. "You are. I wonder what it would be like for you to be more a part of my life," he said as if thinking out loud. "What do you mean Jake?" she asked as if she didn't already know what he meant. "You know. I mean like if I were to kiss you." "I'd kiss you back." "Oh, I see," he said putting his arm around her and pulling her closer to him. "Want to try it," she said in a soft voice. "Yes," he said as his lips met hers. He kissed her quickly and backed away. "What's wrong?" "You sure you want this?" "Yes. I'm sure Jake," she said as he leaned towards her and his hand slid under the back of her cotton sweater. The phone rang on the coffee table. "Let it ring," Jake said. "Oh Jake," Tiffany moaned as his fingers dared forbidden territory and he kissed the skin on her soft neck. The answering machine picked up as leaned back her head resting on the arm of the sofa. Jake's body pressed closer and closer to hers. The answering machine tape clicked. They passionately kissed as Tiffany's recording sounded. "Hello, this is Tiffany. I'm not home now. Please leave a message." "Hi Tiffany it's Starlene. Look, call me in the morning and let me know how it went with Jake," Starlene said before hanging up the phone. "Do you need to talk to her?" Jake asked as he looked down on Tiffany's blonde hair draped over the arm of the sofa. "No, not now." "Do you think I should go home before this goes too far?" Jake asked. "No, I think we should go in there," Tiffany said turning her head towards her bedroom. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.