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Tiffany just started a new job. She really likes her new boss Jake but doesn't know if an intimate relationship is possible. Tiffany also has her ex-husband & lover Skeeter living right next door.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday May 2nd 2005
Tiffany heard the knock on the front door of her apartment.  She turned down the sound on the TV and rushed to the door. "Who is it?" she called out as she reached for the doorknob.
"It's me," her sister Starlene called out.
"Hi, what are you doing in this neighborhood?" Tiffany asked as she opened the door and her sister walked in.
"Just on my way downtown to Century 21," Starlene said referring to a favorite designer store.
"I wish I could go.  I don't have much money though. I need to work at this new job a while before I go shopping again," Tiffany said referring to the fact she had been unemployed until recently.
"How's the new job going?" Starlene asked as Tiffany locked the door and they both walked into the living room.
"So far it's great."
"Who was that gorgeous woman we saw the other day coming into the office as we left for lunch?"
"That was Nina.  She's more than just another model, I'm afraid," Tiffany said shaking her head as if very depressed.
"What?  What did you find out?"
"He said she's a friend, but she picked out that sleek red sofa in the lobby of his office.  That tells me she's very close to him."
"Is she his interior designer?" Starlene asked.
"No, she's a model. She just helped him pick out the furniture for the office."
"That doesn't mean too much Tiffany."
"I didn't help Skeeter pick out anything for his lingerie store," Tiffany said referring to her ex-husband and next door neighbor.
"That's different. They are two different men entirely," Starlene said thinking about her womanizing ex-brother-in-law.
"I hope so. Did I tell you that Skeeter brought his headshots by the office and gave them to Jake?"
"Oh yes.  He was there my first day on the job," Tiffany said referring to her job at a casting agency located in the Empire State Building.
"What did Jake think of Skeeter?"
"He was polite.  He said he's used to everyone trying to become a star.  He was very nice about the whole thing."
"Jake seems really nice," Starlene said thinking about her sister's new boss and his good looks.
"He sure is.  He's just so
so good looking," Tiffany said leaning back on the sofa as if in a dream.
"I've never seen you like this over a guy before," Starlene said smiling broadly.
"I'll get over it."
"I don't know why you'd want to."
"Well, he's got Nina."
"You don't know for sure about her though."
"No, not for sure."
"Did he kiss her when she left his office?"
"No, more like a hug."
"See, it might be a friendly relationship."
"I don't know.  I just don't know."
"I'll find out for you," Starlene said getting up from the sofa as if she were leaving.
"What are you going to do?" Tiffany said jumping up as her sister walked towards the front door to leave.

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What will Starlene do?  Is Nina a friend or a girlfriend?  Will Tiffany and Jake be more than co-workers?

"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of
characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental.
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