Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday March 21st 2005 Tiffany stepped off the elevator in the Empire State Building. She walked along the 37th floor until she saw the glass doors with the name Stanley Morgan etched in gold lettering. She pushed open the doors and walked into the office. "Hi Tiffany," the secretary said. "Hi, so you're going on maternity leave," Tiffany said smiling. "Yeah, and you're not one minute early either," she said rubbing her protruding belly. "Why?" "I'm having labor pains now. Look I'm leaving. Here are the main folders I've put on my desk," she said pressing her hand on a stack of folders. "He has appointments with all of these people in the next month. Everything is set." "Thanks," Tiffany said as she walked towards the desk and placed her purse on the floor. "I hate to run like this, but my boyfriend is meeting me downstairs," the secretary said grabbing her purse from her desk. "You're going to the hospital?" "It's time," she said rushing towards the front door to leave. "Good luck!" Tiffany said as she watched the young girl start to push open the glass doors. She stopped and looked back. "His appointment today will be here any minute now. Just make him comfortable until Mr. Morgan gets to the office. Mr. Morgan had another appointment uptown early this morning. Gotta run, I hope I make it to St. Vincent's Hospital," she said as she pushed the glass doors open and rushed towards the elevator bank in the hallway. Tiffany sat down at the desk and glanced at the folders. She opened the desk drawer and saw that it had been cleaned out. She heard the glass door open again and she glanced up expecting to see the very pregnant secretary rushing back for something she had forgotten. "Good morning," Tiffany said as the man walked into the office. "Good morning. You must be new," the well dressed man said. "Just started today," Tiffany said smiling. "Well, it's my lucky day," he said grinning as he stood in front of her desk. "Stanley. I mean, Mr. Morgan is running a little late. Could I get you some coffee?" "If you just started then do you even know where the coffee is?" "I think I can find it for you," she said grinning. "That's okay. Why don't we make sure you have a good first day? I'll run downstairs to Starbucks. What would you like in your coffee?" he asked. "Oh that's okay." "I insist," he said. "Just a regular coffee would be nice," she said as she watched him walk towards the glass doors. "I'll leave my briefcase here. I'll be right back," he said walking out into the hallway and hitting the button for the elevator. The phone rang on the desk. Tiffany picked it up answering "Stanley Morgan's offices". "Hi Tiffany," her sister Starlene said. "Hi Starlene." "Stanley called me and told me to tell you he's tied up at this meeting longer than he expected," Starlene said. "His appointment just arrived too," Tiffany said. "Perfect," Starlene said. "Stanley says he's wealthy and single Tiffany. Do you like him?" CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.