Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday March 8th 2005 "Over here Tiffany", her sister Starlene called out as she sat in a booth at the Washington Square Diner. "Hi Starlene, have you been waiting long?" Tiffany asked as she took off her jacket and slid into the booth across from her sister. "A few minutes. I ordered you a big salad." "Thanks. That's great. How's it going?" Tiffany asked as she unfolded her paper napkin and placed it on her lap. "Okay. I still don't really know why Stanley put that property into Jan's name. That bothers me a lot," she said referring to her wealthy older husband and his daughter. "I think you're going to have to ask Stanley to let you read his will." "Then he might think I married him just for his money." "Well make sure he knows you really love him first. Maybe be extra loving," Tiffany suggested. "Yeah, I remember how much he likes fancy lingerie," Starlene said as if searching her memory bank. "You don't wear lingerie anymore?" "Of course not. We're married now." "Humm," Tiffany said. "Yeah, I'll take out the lingerie. You're right. Well, tell me. What's going on with you and Skeeter. Did you ask him if you can move in with him?" "Yes, I asked him," Tiffany said as if pained by the thought. "What did he say?" "He thought me spending the night over at his apartment once a month would be fine," she said bitterly. "Oh my gosh!" "Yeah, can you believe that? After what he's done to me?" "That's just incredible," Starlene said shaking her head in amazement. "Yeah, he lets his Mafia roommate take over my apartment to be with the stripper he rented my spare bedroom to while I was in Georgia to visit Mama!" "That's pretty low." "I'm truly disappointed in him. I should have known. After all these years with Skeeter, marriage and divorce; you would think I would know him better than that," Tiffany said. "What did you say?" Starlene asked as the waitress placed large salads in front of the sisters. "I told him that if he can't have me spend the night at least four times a week then maybe somebody else would love me more than him."' "Oh wow! What did he say?" "Nothing. I left as soon as I said it. I've never talked to Skeeter like that before. I was afraid he'd get really mad, so I left fast," she said grinning. "What do you think he'll do?" "I don't know." "What will you do if he doesn't agree?" "Well, I don't know. I don't have another boyfriend." "But you said…" Starlene said tilting her head to one side. "Yeah, I know. I guess I'll have to find somebody else just to show him." "In the meantime you'll still be living with Double D Deanna and Vinny." "That's the part I can't figure out. I have to get a job and move, or a new lover to stay with." "Man, that's hard." "There's still hope. Skeeter is going to give me his answer tonight," she said. "Oh, then call me first thing in the morning and let me know," Starlene said as a woman with bright orange hair took a seat in the booth in front of them. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.