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Tiffany spent the night with her sister Starlene. While she was gone her stripper roommate Deanna moved her Mafia boyfriend Vinny into the bedroom with her. Tiffany's unemployed.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Thursday February 24th 2005
"Don't be so upset Tiffany. Maybe Deanna and Vinny will get their own apartment," Starlene said as she stood in the doorway of his sister's Bleecker Street apartment getting ready to leave.
"From your lips to God's ears.  Thanks for letting me spend the night last night Starlene. Tell Stanley hello for me," Tiffany said referring to her sister's wealthy husband. 
Starlene turned and started down the stairs. "Come over anytime," Starlene called out.
"See ya later," Tiffany said closing the front door and locking it.  She walked back into the living room and took a seat on the sofa.  She picked up the remote and turned on the TV. 
"Hey Tiffany," she heard Vinny say as she glanced up to see her roommate Deanna's Mafia boyfriend walking in the front door.
"Vinny, what are you doing here?" she asked as she watched him put the key to her apartment in his pocket.
"I'm staying here now," he said as he walked towards the chair in the living room and took a seat.
"Yeah, I noticed Vinny.  I told you it wouldn't work out but you moved your stuff over here last night while I spent the night at Starlene's."
"Yeah, I figured if I paid you a little extra you wouldn't mind," he said leaning back in the chair.
"Don't you think you should have asked me first?"
"I did ask you Tiffany. You told me no."
"So, I said no.  No was my answer."
"Tiffany I don't take no for an answer," he said as he twisted the gold chain on his masculine neck.
"So you just moved in with me even if I don't want you to stay here?"
"I would be staying here most of the time anyway.  I'll give you some extra cash... that outta make it okay," he said in his thick Brooklyn accent.
"Money isn't the answer to everything Vinny."
"When you ain't working it outta help," he said referring to her unemployed status.
"Where's Deanna? Why isn't she with you?"
"She went shopping with the wives of some of my co-workers," he said referring to his Mafia friends.
"Great.  Now she's involved with your business too?"
"Look Tiffany you don't know nothing about my business, so just keep those nasty comments to yourself," he said frowning and leaning forward in the chair to watch her more closely.
"Gee, you don't have to get so mean."
"You're being mean and inhospitable."
"Inhospitable?  You moved in while I was staying overnight with my sister and you call that inhospitable?"
"If you don't like it then leave," he said as his jaw clenched.
"I think you have that the wrong way.  You're the one that should leave Vinny."
"I ain't going nowheres Tiffany."
"It's my apartment."
"You don't own it and I'm here now. If you don't like it then go over and stay at Skeeter's," he said nodding his head towards her ex-husband's apartment next door.
"I can't live with Skeeter.  We're divorced."
"Looks like you don't get along well with other people Tiffany," he said as he put his feet up on her coffee table.

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What will Tiffany do now?  How will she get rid of Double D Deanna and Mafia Vinny?
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