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Starlene's upset because her wealthy older husband Stanley is putting his property into his daughter Jan's name.  Starlene wants to know why. Her sister Tiffany gives her some tips.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday February 8th 2005
"What do you think I should do Tiffany?  What should I do about Stanley buying Jan property upstate?" she asked as they sat on the sofa of Tiffany's Bleecker Street apartment.
"Well, if you can't get Stanley to tell you why he's doing it, maybe you could get Jan to tell you," Tiffany said thoughtfully.
"I hate Jan so much," Starlene said shaking her head.
"Yeah, but if Stanley is giving her a lot of money and Jan doesn't want you to have any… then she'll probably be more than happy to tell you about it," Tiffany said remembering Jan's spiteful nature.
"Gee, Tiffany, you're right!" Starlene said as her eyes widened.
"Yeah, you know how mean she is.  If she thinks it would upset you she'll run her mouth a lot."
"What do you think I should do?"
"Why don't you ask her over for dinner or something?"
"No I don't want her coming over to our place for dinner. Then she might start coming over on a regular basis or something."
"Then ask her to go to lunch."
"Do you think she would go to lunch with me?"
"If she won't then you could tell Stanley how mean she is, now couldn't you?" Tiffany said grinning.
"You're right!  I'll call her now," Starlene said reaching for the phone.  "I hope she's home," Starlene said as she dialed the number to Jan's Upper East Side mansion.
"Morgan residence," Ilona the housekeeper answered.
"Is Jan home?" Starlene asked.
"Yes. Hold I get Miss Jan," Ilona said in her broken English as Starlene waited.
"Hello," Jan answered.
"Hi Jan," Starlene said.
"Hello Starlene.  Is Father okay?"
"Yes, Stanley is fine.  We're both fine thank you," Starlene said.
"Then why are you calling me?"
"To be friendly.  To be like a family Jan. I thought maybe that we could meet for lunch."
"Oh," Jan said before starting to laugh.  "What on earth would we talk about Starlene?"
"I thought it would be nice for us to try and have a relationship," Starlene said raising her eyebrows and glancing at Tiffany.
"Why? Do you want to be like a mother to me," Jan said mocking the fact that Starlene was much younger.
"Of course not.  I am just trying to be friendly."
"Are you sick or something?" Jan asked.
"No, I'm not sick!  I was merely asking you to go out to lunch.  If you want to be mean to me then fine!  I'll just tell Stan that you are hostile," Starlene said angrily.
"No... look, don't get so edgy.  If you want to have lunch then I guess we can try that," Jan said thinking how her father might react to her declining his young wife's invitation.
"Okay, good.  When?" Starlene asked.
"Tomorrow I have an appointment in the morning but I'll be home by noon. Ilona will be here. I'll have her make lunch.  You can come by tomorrow," Jan said.
"See you then," Starlene said hanging up the phone.
"It's all set. I'm going to her house tomorrow."
"Great!  Now just see if you can find out what's going on."
"I think I'll go early. She said she'll be gone until noon and her housekeeper will be there. Maybe Ilona will tell me what's going on."

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Will Jan's housekeeper Ilona have loose lips?

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