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Tiffany's ex-husband Skeeter rented her spare bedroom to stripper Deanna while she was out of town. Deanna disappeared for a while. Tiffany called the police. The call cost her an inheritance.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Wednesday February 2nd 2005
"Bye Vinny honey.  I hope you'll come by the club one night and visit," Deanna said referring to the club where she works as a dancer. The two lovers stood in the doorway of Tiffany's apartment kissing goodbye as Tiffany watched from the sofa.
"I don't think I'll be coming by that club. I was hoping you'd never work there again," he said in his thick Brooklyn accent.
"Well, I have to
now.  Now that I won't be inheriting the money," she said referring to the large sum she had lost after Tiffany called the police and her story hit the newspapers.
"Yeah, now that Tiffany blew it all," he said glancing behind her to see Tiffany sitting on the sofa in the living room. Tiffany looked down to avoid his eyes.
"It's okay Vinny. I'll get over it," Deanna said. "You be a sweet Big Daddy and call me later," she said kissing him on the cheek before closing the front door. She walked back into the living room and took a seat in a nearby chair.  She glanced over at Tiffany.
"I'm so sorry Deanna.  I just can't tell you how sorry I am," Tiffany said for the one thousandth time.
"Yeah. I know you're sorry. I'm sorry too. I was going to inherit ten million dollars this year. Ten million," she said shaking her head.
"I'm so sorry."
"Me too.  Ten million."
"What can I do?" Tiffany asked.
"Nothing.  I pleaded with my family but they said the conditions were that I never reveal where I got the money."
"I wish you had told me that.  I just worried you were missing and something horrible had happened."
"I called you on the phone.  You knew I was alive. I even told you to take some money if you were worried about paying the rent. I knew you were having a hard time being unemployed."
"I appreciate that too," Tiffany said.
"You didn't have to take thousands Tiffany," Deanna said eyeing her closely.
"I didn't Deanna.  I never took one penny," Tiffany said.
"I don't know whether to believe you or not."
"Deanna you told me to help myself. If I wanted to take a lot why would I have called the police when you didn't come home?"
"Yeah, I guess so," she said thoughtfully.  "Then who took thousands of dollars from the box?"
"I don't know."
"Who knew about the money?"
"Starlene knew about it," Tiffany confessed.
"Do you think she might have sneaked a little for herself?"
"Never.  Starlene has plenty of money. Stanley's rich", Tiffany said referring to her sister's older husband.
"Who else?"
"I don't know," Tiffany hesitated.
"Who Tiffany?"'
"Well Skeeter knew," Tiffany said referring to her ex-husband and current lover.
"Skeeter wouldn't have taken my money," Deanna said grinning confidently.
"Oh really?  What makes you so sure?" Tiffany said having always suspected that Deanna and Skeeter had a fling while she was out of town.

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Did Skeeter have a fling with Deanna while Tiffany was gone? Did Skeeter help himself to money?
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