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Tiffany's ex-husband Skeeter rented her spare bedroom to stripper Deanna while she was out of town. Deanna disappeared leaving a box filled with money. Tiffany called the police.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday January 31st 2005
Tiffany jumped when her cell phone rang on her coffee table.  She quickly picked it up. "Hello," she answered.
"Tiffany did you see the newspaper today?" her sister Starlene asked.
"No.  Oh please don't tell me it's about Deanna?" she said referring to her stripper roommate that had just come home after she had turned her into detectives.
"Deanna came home, didn't she?" Starlene asked.
"Yeah, she came in this morning and told me where she got all that money."
"Yeah, man she's a rich woman," Starlene said.  "Where is she now on Fifth Avenue shopping?"
"No, she left all mad at me."
"Because you called the police?"
"Yeah.  She says that she won't get another penny now."
"Yeah that's what the newspaper says too."
"Oh I feel so bad about this."
"Yeah, I would too.  I wonder if there's any way she can still get the money?"
"I don't know Starlene. I don't know anything about it except I ruined her life."
"Yeah, you sure did."
"That helps Starlene. That really helps," Tiffany said her voice filled with pain.
"I'm sorry.  But this is just horrible."
"What does the newspaper say?"
"Hold on and I'll read it to you," Starlene said grabbing the Manhattan Post from the nearby table. "Here we go," she said before starting to read.  "The headline is 'Stripper stripped of family fortune.'"
"Oh great," Tiffany said as she listened.
"A New York City stripper that goes by the stage name 'Double D Deanna' was contacted by detectives and informed that she was the daughter of the famous multi millionaire Whitney family.  After growing up in foster homes, the only condition for her inheritance was that she keep the family name a secret.  'Double D' was set to inherit over ten million dollars within the first year after her mother's death. At the time the stripper came into her inheritance she was dancing in a Chelsea nightclub and living with an unemployed roommate Miss Tiffany Diamond in Greenwich Village.  The Double D troubles started when her diamond of a roommate called the police to report a box of money in the stripper's bedroom. 'Double D' will return to the stage where she loses it all every night for ten dollar bills instead of tens of millions."
"Oh that's horrible," Tiffany said.
"Yeah.  I know Deanna must be really upset."
"Yes she is.  She called Vinny and they went somewhere together.  He's mad at me too," Tiffany said.
"Gee did you get any of the money Tiffany?"
"No. I didn't take any money Starlene!"
"Did she take the money with her when she left?"
"No. I don't guess so. I don't know. I hadn't thought of that," Tiffany said.
"Go in there and see if the money is still there," Starlene said.
"I don't know Starlene."
"What can it hurt now? I mean she knows you know and the cat is out of the bag, so to speak."
"Yeah, I guess so. I'm walking into her bedroom now," Tiffany said as she walked with her cell phone towards Deanna's bedroom door.

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