Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Wednesday January 19th 2005 Tiffany took a long sip of the glass of Bourbon and placed the glass back on her coffee table as the phone rang. She reached for the phone and noticed her hands were trembling. "Hello," she answered. "I'm so upset," her sister Starlene blurted out. "What's the matter Starlene?" "You know that townhouse that Stanley bought over the holidays?" "Yeah," Tiffany said. "I wondered why all this sudden interest in Washington DC and him buying a townhouse. Well now I know," she said her voice filled with anger. "What is it Starlene?" "A letter came to the house today addressed to Jan Morgan," she said referring to Stanley's daughter. "So?" "I opened it." "Starlene!" "Well, it was from the realty company in Georgetown that Stanley bought the house from. That house is in Jan's name not Stanley's!" "Oh," Tiffany said flatly. "Well, gee! Can't you see why I'm upset?" "I guess," she said as her voice trailed off. "Are you alright Tiffany?" "I'm stunned and worried." "What are you talking about?" "Vinny came over and wanted to look through Deanna's bedroom to see if he could find clues as to why she was missing." "Oh, no! You didn't let him go in there did you?" "How could I stop Vinny?" "Did he find the money?" "Of course." "Oh no! What did he say?" "He wanted to take it with him." "Did you let him?" "We argued over it and I finally convinced him to leave it here." "Well, there you go! That worked out. You did good Tiffany." "Oh really? You think that's good. Now I'm worse off than I was before. I'm stuck here in the apartment with the money and now Mafia Vinny knows it's here." "Oh that's okay." "Easy for you to say Starlene. He wants that money real bad." "But if he left it, then he won't take it." "What if he knocks me off for it or something?" Tiffany said. "He wouldn't do that!" "Starlene he's in the Mob! He doesn't like me at all," Tiffany whined. "Do you want me to call Vinny for you?" She suggested referring to the fact she once had a romance with the Mafia guy. "No. That might make matters worse. I think I should just call the police." "Did you tell Vinny you wanted to call the police?" "Yeah, and he said I was crazy." "Well, then just let it be. Let the money stay in the closet and Deanna will come home." "What if he breaks in and steals it?" "He won't... I don't think," Starlene said wondering. "He could always have some of his family take care of me and the money," Tiffany said as she started to cry. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.