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Tiffany found a box of money in her roommate Deanna's bedroom. Tiffany doesn't like Deanna because she's a stripper.  Deanna was dating neighbor Mafia Vinny before she disappeared for weeks.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Wednesday January 5th 2005
"Look Vinny, I've got to talk to my sister Starlene about some personal issues," Tiffany said as she started to close the front door of her apartment.
"Oh, I didn't mean to intrude here on family affairs," he said.  He glanced towards Starlene as she took off her coat and tossed it on to a chair in the living room of Tiffany's Bleecker Street apartment. His eyes quickly feasted on her voluptuous bosom in the low cut sweater she was wearing.
"It's great to see you again Vinny," Starlene said turning to smile at him. She couldn't help but remember their romance before she married her wealthy husband Stanley.
"If you ever divorce that old man, just call me Starlene."
"Vinny you're too funny," Starlene said grinning. "Besides I bet Deanna will show up soon and you'll be hot and heavy with her again," Starlene said referring to his current lover and Tiffany's topless dancer roommate.
"I don't know.  She was acting kinda funny last time I saw her.  I think she was ready to dump me," he admitted.
"Do you know why?" Tiffany asked.
"She just kept saying things had changed."
"What changed?" Starlene asked walking towards the front door to say goodbye to Vinny.
"I don't know.  I mean she gave me a Harley for Christmas and then she started getting distant. Like something was on her mind," he said. "Oh well, I've been dumped before," he said looking at Starlene.
"I'm sorry Vinny.  She'll come back," Starlene said.
"I don't know. Anyway, enough of my troubles.  I'll let you sisters talk over the family business," he said putting the key in the lock of Skeeter's apartment next door.
"Thanks Vinny," Tiffany said closing the door.
"What do you think Tiffany?  It seems like he doesn't really know where Deanna is," Starlene said as they walked into the living room and took a seat on the sofa.
"He did seem to be telling the truth," Tiffany admitted.
"Do you think we should have come right out and asked Vinny if he knew about the money in the top of Deanna's closet?"
"No! No! Starlene.  We can't tell anybody about this money."
"What are you going to do if she doesn't ever come back?  Are you going to keep the money?"
"I don't know Starlene," Tiffany said getting up and starting to pace the floor.
"It's a lot of money Tiffany. Let's go count it," Starlene said getting up and starting towards the bedroom.
"No, we can't put our fingerprints on the money.  If we do and it was stolen then the police will think we had something to do with it," Tiffany said.
"Have you looked in the box since I found it?"
"No, I'm afraid to. I'm afraid she'll walk in the door and catch me," Tiffany said continuing to pace as Starlene walked towards the door of Deanna's bedroom.
"I'll get the box down so you can see for yourself," Starlene said opening the door to the bedroom and getting ready to go inside when the phone rang in the living room. Both women jumped as if a gun had gone off in the apartment.
"Gee, can you believe how tense it is in this apartment?" Tiffany said walking towards the coffee table and picking up the telephone. "Hello," she answered.
"Hi Tiffany!  How's it going?" Deanna said.
"Deanna, where are you?" Tiffany asked as Starlene walked quickly to her sister's side.
"I hope you haven't been worried," Deanna said.


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