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Tiffany and her sister Starlene  want to find Tiffany's roommate Deanna. Deanna left lots of money in her bedroom.  Starlene and Mafia Vinny had a romance before she married & he fell for Deanna.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday January 4th 2005
Tiffany heard the knock on the front door of her Bleecker Street apartment.  Since her sister Starlene had just called and said she was coming over, she didn't bother to get dressed.  She walked to the door dressed only in a sweatshirt. She opened the door.
"Vinny!" Tiffany said surprised to see her husband's Mafia roommate at her door.
"You look surprised to see me," he said glancing down at her bare legs.
"Well, yeah.  I am," she said.
"Happy New Year."
"Yeah, Happy New Year."
"Is Deanna around?"
"No.  I thought maybe you knew where she was," Tiffany said surprised that he didn't know.
"No. I haven't seen her in days now," he said.
"Oh!  Gee. I'm surprised to hear that Vinny," Tiffany said as they heard high heels on the stairs behind him.
"Hi Vinny!" Starlene said as she finished climbing the stairs to the second floor where Tiffany lives.
"Hi there Starlene.  Aren't you a pretty sight," he said watching her walk towards her sister's front door.
"Thanks Vinny. Happy New Year," she said.
"You too honey. You still married to that old man?" he asked referring to her new wealthy older husband.
"Yeah.  Good thing I married him cause you took up with Deanna right away," she said pouting as she passed him and walked into Tiffany's apartment.
"You was married honey," he said in his thick Brooklyn accent.
"Vinny just came over looking for Deanna," Tiffany said raising her eyebrows as she told her sister Starlene the news.
"You don't know where she is Vinny?" Starlene asked.
"No," he said watching Starlene toss her coat on the chair.  His eyes immediately feasted on her bosom in the low cut sweater she was wearing.
"Vinny hasn't seen Deanna in days."
"Oh really?" Starlene said clearly surprised.
"You two sure seem interested in my love life all of a sudden.  What's going on here Starlene?" Vinny asked walking into the living room and closing the door.
"Oh nothing Vinny," she said taking a seat on the sofa.
"You sure about that?  Have you left Stanley? Is that it?  You left him and you're available now?" he asked hopefully.
"No, Vinny not yet," she said grinning.
"Yet!  I like that! That's the first hint of trouble I've heard since you married that old man."
"Come on Vinny. Stanley and I are fine.  What's going on with you and Deanna?"
"I'd like to know myself," he said rubbing his chin.
"I thought the two of you were happy. Tiffany told me that she gave you a Harley Davidson for Christmas and that you took her to Florida to meet your friends," Starlene said referring to his Mafia connections.
"Yeah. We were doing great all right.  Then she just seemed to turn off."
"Turn off?" Tiffany asked.
"Like a cold fish or something."
"Do you know where she is now?" Tiffany asked.

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Does Vinny have anything to do with Deanna's disappearance or the money in her bedroom?
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