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Tiffany's ex-husband Skeeter rented her extra bedroom to Deanna a dancer while she was out of town. Tiffany and her sister Starlene want to know more about Deanna and her professional life.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday November 8th 2004
"Look you two... I know you have to wonder about who I am and what I do," Deanna said leaning back on the sofa looking at Starlene and her sister Tiffany.
"Well, you are my roommate now," Tiffany said still in a state of shock from Deanna lifting her shirt nonchalantly showing off her bare double D bosom.
"I'm a topless dancer.  I'm not a lady-of-the-evening," Deanna said.
"Oh we never thought that," Tiffany lied.
"Good. I'm just like you ladies. I just got these
girls done to make some money," she said referring to her large bosom.
"I'm glad we've got that settled," Starlene said.  "Now we can relax."
"Good," Deanna said.  "I want to be
best friends with both of you. I've never had girlfriends," she said picking up her glass of wine and taking a sip.
"Well, look at the time.  I better get home. Stanley is going to wonder where I am," Starlene said picking up her purse and starting towards the front door.
"Your new husband's name is Stanley Morgan, right?" Deanna asked as she watched Starlene walk towards the door.
"Yeah why?  Do you know him?" Starlene asked nervously.
"No, I don't
think so.  I've just heard his name mentioned in the newspapers and stuff. He's loaded isn't he?"
"He's well off, yes," Starlene said sticking her nose up in the air as she opened the door.
"I don't
think he ever went to the clubs.  No, I don't think so," Deanna said as if searching her memory.
"I know my Stanley wouldn't go to topless clubs. I mean I keep him happy at home," Starlene said.
"No harm meant honey. I hope I didn't offend you," Deanna said shaking her head.
"No.  It's okay," Starlene said.
"Good. I'll look forward to meeting your Stanley," Deanna said leaning back and putting her feet up on the coffee table.
"I'll see you later Tiffany," Starlene said nervously waving as she closed the door.
"Your sister's a nice girl," Deanna said.
"Yes," Tiffany said. She wondered if Deanna had raised her shirt to show off her double D's when Skeeter had interviewed her for the apartment.
"You two look a lot alike too, except Starlene has a bigger chest," Deanna said.
"A little."
"Did Starlene get hers done?"
"That's pretty healthy for the real thing. She could probably dance if she wanted to."
"She's happily married."
"Yeah. Her old man's got a lot of money. She's fixed for life.  That's just great."
"I'm happy for her," Tiffany said.
"Skeeter told me that you used to date Amir Hada," Deanna said referring to the wealthy foreigner that Tiffany used to date.
"Yeah," Tiffany said longingly as she thought of her former wealthy lover.
"Skeeter said you dumped Amir for him," Deanna said.
"Oh he did, huh?  What else did Skeeter say?" Tiffany asked scooting close to the edge of the sofa as she stared at her new roommate.

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What happened between Deanna and Skeeter in the interview? Will Tiffany ever find out?
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