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Starlene went next door to talk to Mafia Vinny and didn't come home. She's not with Vinny. Her sister Tiffany doesn't know where she is. Vinny wants to marry her and won't take no for an answer.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Thursday September 30th 2004
Tiffany heard the knock on the front door of her apartment and thought it was her sister Starlene.  She walked to the door and opened it to see her ex-husband Skeeter standing in the hallway.
"Hey Baby," he said grinning
"Hi Skeeter.  Come on in," she said as he walked in and she closed the door behind him.
"Have you heard anything from Starlene?"
"Yeah, she called me today at work."
"So what's the scoop?" he asked walking into her kitchen and opening the refrigerator door.  He took out a beer and opened the can.
"She went with Vinny to the airport last night.  Did you know he went back to Florida?"
"I just saw his note on my coffee table," Skeeter said walking back into the living room as she followed him.
"Well, she said she and Vinny talked over their relationship for hours and he got a call and had to go to an emergency meeting in Florida."
"Yeah, his note said he'd be gone for about a week."
"Good. I didn't know he'd be gone that long," Tiffany said taking a seat on the sofa beside him.
"So where was she after that?"
"She took Vinny to the airport then went to Stanley's house."
"She doesn't waste any time does she?" he said grinning.
"Well it worries me.  She can't play these two men against each other.  I mean Stanley is an older man and Vinny's in the Mafia. This is dangerous."
"I told you Baby, Vinny loves her."
"Well, Skeeter that makes the entire situation that much more dangerous."
"Where is she now?"
"At Stanley's I guess.  I had to hang up because Nicole came into the office."
"Oh really?" he asked raising his eyebrows as he watched her.
"Yeah, with that car salesman Steven."
"Get out of here!"
"No. I guess she knew Clark was in a meeting so she just walked in with him like it wasn't any big thing."
"What did they do?"
"Why, Skeeter?" she asked jealous of his past relationship with Nicole.
"Just curious."
"Are you sure you're just curious?"
"Of course!  I don't care what they did.  I was just making conversation with you Baby," he lied.
"They went up stairs for a long time."
"Really?" he asked.
"What did they do?"
"The bed was beating against the wall for about thirty minutes. So you guess," she said angrily.
"What does she see in that guy?" Skeeter said trying to hide his jealousy.
"Are you jealous Skeeter?  Are you sure you aren't jealous of Nicole?"
"I don't care how many men she has Tiffany."
"Well there have been plenty."
"You know about the men Nicole has?"
"Yes, Skeeter. I know more than you think I do," she said eyeing him suspiciously. The ringing of the telephone halted the potential for a heated argument.

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Where is Starlene and who is she with now? Will Mafia Vinny leave Starlene alone?
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