Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Wednesday September 29th 2004 Tiffany called her apartment and allowed the phone to ring repeatedly hoping Starlene would answer. When there wasn't an answer she hung up and stared at the invoices on her desk. She wondered where Starlene had gone last night after dropping Vinny off at the airport. Vinny even seemed concerned. She wished she could have talked to Vinny a little longer but he had a meeting to attend. She couldn't help but wonder what Vinny's Mafia meetings were like. The ringing of the phone on her desk interrupted her thoughts. "Manhattan Party Planning," she answered as she picked up the phone. "Tiffany it's me," Starlene said. "Starlene! I'm glad you called. I was beginning to worry about you," Tiffany said. "I'm sorry. I spent all day with Vinny yesterday." "I know Starlene. I was right next door. You never bothered to tell me that you were going with Vinny to the airport." "You know that I took Vinny to the airport?" "Well, yes. He called here a few minutes ago to see if everything was okay with Clark and me." "Did you tell him I didn't come home last night?" "Well, yes. I was worried," Tiffany said realizing she had probably made a mistake. "Oh great! I wish you hadn't done that," Starlene said. "Well, you could have told me what was going on." "I was going to, but Vinny got an emergency call and we were in the middle of our conversation so I just went with him to the airport. I wanted to get stuff straight before he left town." "Well, I didn't know. How do you expect me to know these things when you don't tell me anything? You just disappeared into thin air," Tiffany said unable to hide her resentment. "What did Vinny say Tiffany?" "That he was with you and that you went with him to JFK." "And you told him I didn't come home last night?" "Well, yes. I mean I let it slip. I thought you might have run off and married him." "No Tiffany. Vinny and I talked everything over. We talked for hours and hours. Then he got the call that he had to rush back to Florida so I took him to the airport so we could finish our conversation." "What were the two of you talking about for so long?" "Our relationship and our plans for the future." "Well? How did it end up?" "It was okay. I explained to him that I've been with Stanley a long time and that I can't just rush off and marry him like that." "He understood?" "No. Not really, but I told him that he had to give me space to see what I want." "Well, so is everything okay now?" "I hope so. I mean I didn't want him to know that I didn't come home last night." "Well, why didn't you call me and tell me?" "Because he was on the plane and I thought I had time. I didn't know he'd call you first and you'd tell him." "Well, I'm sorry. Gee, how was I to know? Vinny called here and you were with him the last time I saw you so, what was I to think?" "I understand. Don't worry about it. I think I've got everything worked out anyway. It won't matter if he does know I didn't come home after I dropped him off." "What does that mean Starlene?" CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.