Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday September 14th 2004 Tiffany slowly walked down Bleecker Street on her way back to work. She couldn't stop thinking about Vinny coming by her apartment just before she left. He had made it very plain to her that he wanted her to stay out of his affairs with Starlene. She couldn't wait for her sister to come home this evening so she could tell her about the threatening conversation. She glanced up to see Nicole walking towards her. "Hi Tiffany," Nicole said stopping on the sidewalk to stand in front of her. "Hi Nicole." "I guess you already know all about me leaving Clark?" Nicole said referring to Tiffany's boss. "Yes, I'm sorry things aren't working out for you." "Are you? I mean I thought you'd be happy to see me leave. Clark told me all of the things you have been saying about my father," she said referring to her Mafia boss father that was recently killed in a restaurant in Miami. "I only repeated the rumors I heard on TV." "He told me that you said Vinny was connected to the Mafia too," Nicole said grinning spitefully. "Like I said, it was all on the TV news. I only repeated what I had heard," Tiffany said clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. "Clark says that you don't want your sister Starlene seeing Vinny either because of his connections with my father." "Starlene has been with Stanley a long time," Tiffany said avoiding the issue. "The way I see it Tiffany, you don't like me." "Nicole you and I have been working together for several years. I don't have a problem with you." "It doesn't look that way to Clark and it doesn't look that way to Vinny. Both of them think you have been interfering with everyone else's business." "Give me a break Nicole." "No, I'm serious. You told Clark that he should leave me because you said I was having an affair with Stephen, the car salesman. "Well, I…" she said hesitating. "How would you know if I was or not?" "You almost told me as much. Besides he caught you in the bedroom with the guy." "Clark thinks I'm grieving my father's death and that's why I was with Stephen." "Yes, he told me that too." "See what I mean? You have been talking about my personal life with my husband," she said frowning and grabbing Tiffany's arm. "He brought it up," Tiffany said glancing down at Nicole's hand on her sleeve. "I did have an affair with Stephen. Okay?" "I don't care," Tiffany said trying to pull her arm away as Nicole clutched the fabric of her sweater a little tighter. "Look Tiffany. What I do is my business. My father is dead and I don't like you talking about him." "I'm sorry. I didn't mean any harm." "The fact is he was a Mafia boss. He was a big time Mafia boss," she said smiling. "I don't want to know this," Tiffany said shaking her head. "Well he was Tiffany and Vinny was his number one man." "I don't want to hear this Nicole," she said continuing to shake her head. "Vinny is going to marry Starlene and you may as well get used to it." "No," Tiffany said. "What Vinny wants he gets. I have any man I want too. Do you hear me?" "I hear you," Tiffany said weakly. "I don't want to hear you talking about me, my father, my husband, my men, my Vinny or anything else ever again." "I don't care what you do Nicole," Tiffany said as Nicole released the fabric of her sweater. "Good. I do whatever I want. I have whatever I want. I'm glad you understand me. Now go on back to work for my husband and keep your mouth shut," she said smiling. "Goodbye," Tiffany said quickly walking away so that Nicole couldn't see the tears in her eyes. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.