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Tiffany's boss married Nicole, her father was a Mafia boss in Florida. Her father was recently murdered. Vinny worked for the Mafia boss and wants to marry Tiffany's sister Starlene.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Wednesday August 18th 2004
Tiffany glanced up from her desk when she saw her boss Clark walking into his townhouse where he runs his party planning business.
"Hi Clark, it's nice to have you back," she said referring to his trip to Florida to bury his murdered father-in-law, the Mafia boss.
"It's good to be home.  I've never seen such a big funeral in my life," he said placing his briefcase on the table near the door.
"Is Nicole upset?"
"She's okay.  She cried at the funeral but I think she's handling it okay."
"Where is she?"
"She's over at her old apartment on Bleecker Street."
"Oh really. I called the cleaning service like you asked me too. I hope they did a good job."
"I guess so.  She's just picking up some things she had left over there before we got married."
"I'm surprised to hear that Vinny will be taking that apartment," she said referring to the Mafia connected Vinny that had worked for Nicole's father.
"Well, it seems that Vinny wants to stay in New York now."
"That's a problem too."
"You heard about my sister Starlene taking a ride in Vinny's new Ferrari didn't you?"
"Yeah, I heard all about it. Vinny says they went to City Hall and were going to get married but he didn't know they needed to get a license the day before."
"That's right.  But you know Starlene shouldn't have done that."
"Well, maybe she really likes Vinny."
"I think she was just using Vinny to make Stanley jealous so he would marry her."
"Oh, I see. Well Vinny doesn't see it that way. He's making plans to marry her."
"I know.  Oh this is just so horrible."
"Why do you say that?  Vinny's not such a bad guy."
"He's in the Mafia," she blurted out.
"I don't think so. You know Nicole says there have always been rumors around her family."
"Yeah.  But I think Starlene should stay with Stanley," Tiffany said realizing that Clark was still very much in denial about his wife's family connections.
"Well, then Starlene just needs to tell Vinny that's all."
"She has but he's not taking no for an answer."
"Do you want me to speak to him for you?"
"Well, I don't know.  Skeeter said he was going to talk to him for me," she said as the front door opened and Vinny walked in.
"Vinny!  How are you?" Clark said walking towards him and extending his hand.
"Good. I got my stuff arriving UPS today and I'll be moving in over at Nicole's apartment tonight," he said in his thick Brooklyn accent.
"Good. It will be nice having you around," Clark said as he watched Vinny glancing towards Tiffany.
"I guess you don't feel the same way, do you Tiffany?" he said as she nervously looked down at the papers on her desk.
"Tiffany and I were just talking about that Vinny," Clark said as Tiffany glanced up hoping to motion for him to not mention their conversation.
"Yeah, what's the deal?" Vinny asked eyeing Tiffany suspiciously.

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Will Clark tell Vinny what Tiffany said?  Will Vinny and Starlene get married after all?
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