Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Wednesday August 11th 2004 "That was Stanley," Starlene said hanging up the telephone. "Yeah, what did he say?" Tiffany asked leaning back on the sofa in her apartment overlooking Bleecker Street. "He says he heard on the news late last night that Nicole's father was murdered. He was gunned down in a restaurant in Miami." "Oh wow," Tiffany said as her eyes widened. "I guess Clark will be gone for a while," she said referring to her boss and Nicole's husband. "What a way for you to get a vacation," Starlene said as the phone rang on the coffee table. "Hello," Starlene answered. "Starlene. I'm so glad I caught you at home," Vinny said in his thick Brooklyn accent. "Vinny!" Starlene said getting up from the sofa with the phone and walking towards the bedroom so Tiffany wouldn't hear her conversation. "Tell him to get lost Starlene, before it's too late," Tiffany called out. "I heard what Tiffany said. I know she's really upset with me," Vinny said. "Never mind her," Starlene said turning to give her sister a dirty look. "I miss you honey. Did Tiffany give you the message that I had to leave suddenly for Florida," Vinny asked. "Yeah, she told me." "We were going to get married today," he said thinking about his proposal that they go back to City Hall and get married. "Well, we had thought about it," she said. "I had every intention of picking you up today and us getting married. I hope you'll wait for me," he pleaded. "Well, we hadn't really made definite plans Vinny." "I had." "Well I thought we were just talking about it." "When I came by looking for you the other night Tiffany told me you went out with Stanley." "Yeah." "Starlene I want you to marry me." "Oh Vinny I don't know. It looks like maybe it's not meant to be. I mean we went to City Hall and didn't know we had to have the license at least one day before. Now this thing with Nicole's father." "It does seem like the timing is getting all messed up," he admitted. "Maybe it is for the best," she said thinking how well she and Stanley had gotten along last night. "You aren't back with that old man are you?" "Well, he does want me to move back in with him," she said. "Move in with him?" "Yeah, he wants to send his car over today for my stuff," she said repeating the plan. "What about the wedding?" "He says that after things settle down he'll marry me," she said repeating Stanley's latest promise. "You going to believe that again? If he wanted to marry you he would have already married you," Vinny said. "You're probably right." "He's just going to use you again Starlene. I love you. I want you to be my wife." "That's so sweet of you Vinny." "No it's the truth. If you can just wait a little while I'll be back and we can go to City Hall and get married or we can plan a big wedding. It's up to you Starlene," he said noticing that the pallbearers were motioning for him to hurry up. "Well, I don't know what to say Vinny. I want to do my photo shoot for Playbody Magazine before I marry anybody," she said referring to the job Stanley had arranged for her so that she wouldn't marry Vinny. "Don't do that Starlene," he said. "I don't want you to do that," Vinny said. "But I've already accepted the offer. They called me this morning and told me to come by tomorrow for the photo shoot," she lied. "I should kill Stanley Morgan for arranging something like this," he said angrily. "Don't say things like that", she said worrying that he might arrange to have Stanley murdered. "I've got to go. I'll call you when it's finished," he said hanging up the phone. "Oh no. I think he's really mad at Stanley," Starlene said hanging up the phone. She walked back into the living room where Tiffany was still seated and listening to every word she had said. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.