CASTING! BECOME A STAR ON THIS INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA. SEND YOUR PHOTO, CLICK FOR DETAILS! Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday July 26th 2004 Tiffany heard the knock on the front door of her apartment. She quickly turned down the volume of "New York 1 News" and rushed towards the door hoping it was her sister Starlene. Her heart raced as she opened the door and saw her ex-husband, and next door neighbor, standing in the doorway. "Hey Baby," Skeeter said, his smile fading when he saw the worried expression on her face. "Hi Skeeter," she said holding the door open as he walked in. "I can tell by the look in your eyes you haven't heard from Starlene yet," he said. "No. Nicole called Vinny's cell phone from work. He didn't put her on the phone, he said she was busy. I don't know what Starlene could have been busy doing. Oh, Skeeter I'm so worried," she said falling into his arms as he embraced her. "Don't worry Baby, Starlene's a grown woman. She'll be okay." "Yeah, I hope you're right. Come on in," she said as he released her from his arms. "I'm glad you're here. Being alone in the apartment only makes me feel worse. It's been all afternoon and no word from her. I came home early from work hoping she'd call here. I hope she didn't marry that no good," she said referring to Vinny's connections with the Mafia. "She could do worse," he said as she closed the door and they walked into her living room. "Got any beer?" he asked. "Yeah," she said starting to walk towards the kitchen when the phone rang. "I'll get my own beer," he said turning towards the kitchen as she rushed to the phone on the coffee table in the living room overlooking Bleecker Street. "Hello," she answered. "Tiffany," Starlene said. "Starlene! Where are you? I've been worried sick. You've been gone all afternoon," she said as she glanced up and saw Skeeter walking back into the living room with his beer. "Oh I'm fine," Starlene said giggling slightly as Vinny watched her. "Fine? Are you sure?" "Yeah, Vinny and I have been having a real good time," she said. "Starlene you don't know how upset I've been. Poor Stanley, he's really in bad shape over this," Tiffany said remembering how shaken her older lover had been over Starlene running off with Vinny. "I'm real sorry if I've upset anyone," she said as she watched Vinny leave her side to go and speak to one of his friends that had just walked into the restaurant in Little Italy. "Where are you Starlene?" "Little Italy." "What are you doing in Little Italy?" Tiffany asked raising her eyebrows as Skeeter watched her. "Vinny knows this family that owns a restaurant here. We had something to eat and we're just hanging out a little." "Family? What kind of family, Mafia?" "Oh come on Tiffany. They seem like really nice people. Besides they have a lot of money. They own a house in the Hamptons and everything," she said as her eyes widened. "Ill gotten gains," Tiffany said. "Oh for goodness sake. Give me a break." "Well, when are you coming home?" "I don't know. Vinny wants to..." She hesitated. "What?" Tiffany asked. "Get married." CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.