CASTING! BECOME A STAR ON THIS INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA. SEND YOUR PHOTO, CLICK FOR DETAILS! Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Friday July 23rd 2004 "You look great Starlene," Vinny said as he watched her walk from the ladies room towards his table in the restaurant in Little Italy. "The wind in the car really blew my hair to pieces." she said in her southern accent. She noticed the older Italian men at the table with Vinny getting up as they watched her walk towards her chair. "What you think guys? Is she a knock out or what?" Vinny asked in his thick Brooklyn accent. "The lady is a winner," the older owner of the restaurant said as he stood near the table watching customers entering the cozy restaurant on Mulberry Street. The other men walked towards the front of the restaurant and took a seat at the bar. "Tell her she should marry me Leo," Vinny said glancing at the older man. "You should marry him," Leo said. "Oh I can't just run off in Vinny's new car and marry him just like that," she said snapping her fingers and grinning. "That's the way my wife married me," Leo said as his wife started to walk towards the kitchen with an dinner order in her hand. "Come here honey and tell Starlene what it's like being married to me," Leo said taking the order from his wife and handing it to a waiter. "I wouldn't take anything for the years me and Leo have had together," the woman said. "What about his job?" Starlene asked raising her eyebrows to infer illegal Mafia activity. "A smart woman marries a man that can look after her. It's a woman's place to love her man. A woman shouldn't have to worry about money or finances," the woman said smiling at her husband. "So you think I should marry Vinny?" Starlene asked gazing into the woman's dark eyes. "Of course. I've known Vinny for years. You would be a lucky woman," she said as the waiter came over to her and whispered something in her ear. "I have to go now. If you two get married tonight call us. We'll plan a big party for you at our house in the Hamptons." "You have a house in the Hamptons too?" Starlene asked. "On the beach. We'll have a big party," she said as she walked away. "I'll let you two love birds talk. If you need anything let me know. By the way Vinny that house you like on Park Avenue?" Leo asked hesitating to be sure that Starlene was paying attention. "Yeah, did you close on it?" Vinny asked. "Yeah, it could be yours man. That would make a nice beginner house for you and the little misses," Leo said winking as he grinned and slapped Vinny on the back. He walked towards the front of the restaurant where new customers were arriving. "A house on Park Avenue?" Starlene asked watching as Leo embraced the businessmen kissing them on both cheeks before leading them to their favorite table. "Yeah Starlene. See what it's like to be part of the family? It ain't all bad, huh?" he said hoping he had calmed her fears. "No. Everyone seems real nice," she said in her southern accent. "They all seem to love you honey. See how far we've come in only a few hours?" he said. "Yeah, a lot as happened in only a few hours." "Just think you could wake up in the morning and be a married woman living on Park Avenue or you could go back and stay at Tiffany's apartment and wait on that old man to think things over for a few more years." "Yeah. I guess so," she said glancing down at the large diamond on her finger. "What's it going to be Starlene?" CONTINUED MONDAY. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.