CASTING! BECOME A STAR ON THIS INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA. SEND YOUR PHOTO, CLICK FOR DETAILS! Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Monday March 8th 2004 "Starlene I don't know honey. I don't know if the time is right for us to get married now or not. I have so much on my mind with Jan," Stanley said as he sat on his sofa beside his young lover. "That's what you told me months ago before I moved in. That's what you said just before Jan married Skeeter," she insisted. The ringing of the telephone on the table next to Stanley immediately seemed to relieve him of the tension he was feeling. "Hello," he answered. "Father it's getting really late and Skeeter hasn't come home yet. I'm kind of worried. I mean I know he's not doing anything wrong," she said. "He wouldn't dare do anything wrong now that I'm putting the house in his name," she said unsure if she was trying to convince him or herself. "I don't know Jan. See that's exactly why I think we better give this thing some time before I contact the lawyer," he said referring to their conversation earlier this evening when she had insisted that he have her house put into Skeeter's name. "No. He promised he would come home after work. I called the store and there's no answer. I'm worried that he might have been killed or something," she said. "Oh for goodness sake Jan. Have you taken leave of your mind? He's probably out in a bar somewhere and he'll show up soon," Stanley said. "I'm not going to have the new deed drawn up for a few more days. This is crazy to give Skeeter your mansion in hopes of keeping him," Stanley said as he saw Starlene's mouth drop open in surprise at his statement. "No, call the attorney and have the papers drawn up. I want to show him the papers. I want to let him know it will be done if he agrees to stay. That is if he's still alive," she said as the front door opened and Skeeter walked in. "There he is. He's home. Just forget what I said Father," she said smiling as she watched Skeeter take off his coat and hang it on the rack in the hallway. "Is he drunk or anything?" Stanley asked. "No Father. Forget I called. I have to go," she said hanging up the phone. "Damn Skeeter. I know he's leading Jan on," Stanley said as he hung up the phone. "Why?" Starlene asked thinking about the fact that Skeeter was at her sister Tiffany's apartment when she left over two hours ago. "He just came home. It's almost eleven o'clock at night. Where does a married man go at this hour of night?" "I don't know. What do you think Stanley?" "I think Skeeter's probably seeing Lola again," he said referring to the celebrity that he had once dated himself. "Oh so you think it's Lola," she said clearly jealous of the older glamorous woman. "Well yes. Everyone knows he's been with her. She's rich and that's the kind of woman Skeeter is after," Stanley said reaching for his cigar and lighter. "How do you know? Have you been talking to Lola again?" Starlene asked getting up from the sofa and walking towards the fireplace. "No honey. I haven't been talking to Lola. I just know the kind of man Skeeter is," Stanley said as he exhaled smoke. "I think it takes one to know one," she said spitefully. "Come on Starlene. You could never compare me with Skeeter." "At least Skeeter isn't afraid of a commitment Stanley," she said as her cell phone rang in her purse. She quickly walked to the sofa and took the tiny phone out and answered "Hello." "Hi Starlene," her sister Tiffany said. "Hi. What's going on?" Starlene asked. "Skeeter just left," Tiffany said in a dreamy voice. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.