CASTING! BECOME A STAR ON THIS INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA. SEND YOUR PHOTO, CLICK FOR DETAILS! Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Wednesday February 11th 2004 Skeeter closed the door to his wife's Upper East Side mansion. He took off his jacket and hung it on the rack by the door. "Mr. Skeeter! I happy to see you," the plump housekeeper said in her broken English as she walked towards the living room drying her hands on her apron. "Hey Ilona, how you doing Baby?" he asked winking at her as he watched her blush. "Good. You come back to stay?" "No, I came to get some clothes," he said walking towards the stairs to go up to the bedroom. "Oh Mr. Skeeter, I miss you here," she said as the front door opened behind her and Jan walked in. "Well, what do we have here?" Jan said dropping her briefcase on the floor as she locked the door behind her. "I just came by to pick up some clothes," he said starting to walk up the stairs. "Where are you taking your clothes Skeeter?" Jan asked. "None of your business," he said walking up the stairs as she started to follow him. Ilona shook her head and stood in the hallway hoping to overhear their conversation as the couple entered their bedroom at the top of the stairs. "Where were you last night Skeeter?" "I spent the night away with friends," he lied as he opened the closet door and started pulling out a few shirts. "What kind of friends?" "I hoped I could get by here while you were gone so that we wouldn't fight." "We don't have to fight. All you have to do is be honest with me." "Jan did you come by the store snooping with Amanda last night?" he asked referring to the salesgirl she hired to work in his lingerie store. "I came by thinking you might be staying in the store." "But I wasn't," he said wondering if she had seen him through the basement window. He never knew there was a window in the basement until Amanda told him about it today. Now he was concerned his wife had seen him on the sofa bed with his girlfriend Lola. "No. But I think I know where you were," she said as she paced the bedroom floor watching him pack the suitcase he'd taken from the closet. "Oh really. Where do you think I was?" he asked as he opened a drawer and took out clean underwear. "I think you were in Tiffany's apartment with her," Jan said remembering how she'd seen Tiffany jump back from the window when she saw her on the sidewalk in front of his store. "Oh so that's what you think?" he asked relieved that she didn't know he was with Lola last night. "Yes. I saw Tiffany watching out of her apartment window. She's didn't want you when you were married to her, but now she wants you just to spite me." "That's not true Jan," he said as his cell phone rang and he took it out of his pocket. "Hello," he answered as he took socks from the drawer and placed them in his suitcase. "Mr. Diamond. This is John O'Donnel." "Oh hello," Skeeter said. "I hope you have good news for me," he asked as he walked out into the upstairs hallway hoping Jan would leave him alone to talk to the marketing agent. "I sure do. Congratulations, you've got the job modeling the men's briefs," the marketing agent said. "That's great! When do I start?" Skeeter asked. "They want to photograph you next week," John said. "That soon?" Skeeter asked worried about the diet he hadn't started. "Unless you're busy." "Oh no. I'm ready," Skeeter said sucking in his stomach as he glanced at his image in the mirror in the hallway. He saw Jan watching him closely. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.