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New York Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Pictures 02/10/04 : Broadway Shows, Plays, Theaters, Trump Tower, Restaurants "Exploring - NYC Sidewalks" Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
Guaranteed Lowest prices on hotels see here.
Every time you take a walk in NYC it's an adventure. Here are a few recent sights.
Top right you see the corner of Sixth Avenue and 52nd Street.
Second picture you see the entrance to Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. As you know "The Donald" is a big TV star these days.
Tours, NYC by bus, cruise, or helicopter, great ticket prices, click here.
Third picture you see the Quick Silver store on the corner of 42nd Street in Times Square. Above Quick Silver you see the large sign advertising Prudential and JP Morgan Chase.
National Event Ticket Sales for Races, Sporting Events & Concerts - click here!
Fourth picture you see the Empire State Building as seen in midtown near Macy's. The Empire State Building is visible for many miles both inside and outside the city.
Casting! All ages needed for NYC's most popular Soap Opera. Click Here!
Fifth picture you see the Helen Hayes Theatre at 240 West 44th Street between Broadway and Eighth Avenue. The Broadway hit play "Golda's Balcony" is now showing. This is a one woman play about the first Israeli Prime Minster, Golda Meir. This play about a remarkable woman has received great reviews. To purchase your Broadway show tickets to this play or other plays at box office prices click here.
Bottom right picture you see Grill Wok Restaurant on Bleecker Street in Greenwich Village.
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