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New York Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Pictures 02/09/04 : The Essex House Hotel, a Westin Hotel, Central Park South "Big Apple Scenes" Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
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New York City is a big city with lots of variety. Here are some of the sights.
Top right picture was taken in Central Park. Here you see the skyline and the Essex House Hotel.
Second picture you see the Meat Packing District. This is Little West 12th Street. This old meat packing area is now one of the hottest scenes in NYC.
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Third picture you see the Channel Gardens at Rockefeller Center. This scene changes many times according to the seasons. In the distance is the gold statue above the ice skating rink.
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Fourth picture you see the White Horse Tavern at 567 Hudson Street in the West Village.
Fifth picture you see Eighth Avenue in Chelsea. Here you see several old bank buildings that are now retail space.
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Bottom picture you see one of the most exciting scenes of all. This is a distant shot of Broadway in Times Square. Times Square is always an eye-full, but when the sun goes down this place is really turned on.
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