CASTING! BECOME A STAR ON THIS INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA. SEND YOUR PHOTO, CLICK FOR DETAILS! Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Wednesday January 21st 2004 "I saw the picture of you in the newspaper," Stanley said into the telephone as he talked to Lola, his lover of years ago. He leaned back in the plush leather chair in his office in the Empire State Building. He glanced at his daughter Jan as she sat in the chair in front of his desk. She was listening intently as she nervously tapped her long nails on the corner of his mahogany desk. "Which one Stanley? The one of me and my trusty doorman or the one of me with your son-in-law Skeeter?" "Well actually I saw both of them Lola," he said remembering years ago when she was his lover. "I don't suppose you called to tell me how good I looked in bed with the doorman," she said laughing. "No, but he's certainly a lucky man." "He was getting lucky on a regular basis until that day." "How do you think the press found out that you were"...he hesitated to say the words. "Sleeping with my doorman?" "Yeah." "I think he tipped off the newspapers. He knew if they got a picture of the two of us together he'd become an overnight celebrity." "Cheap of him," Stanley said as Jan tapped her fingers a little quicker on the top of his desk. "Yes, I haven't seen him again since the newspaper article came out." "Had you been seeing him a lot before then?" "Everyday. He'd slip up to my apartment after his shift." "Were you in love with him Lola?" Stanley asked as Jan stopped tapping her nails and leaned forward in her seat. "I know you'll think I'm the fool," she said as her voice cracked. "No," he said. "Yes, Stanley I think I was in love with him. I was lonely and I thought he really cared. I know it wasn't appropriate. I mean he is only a doorman. That why I was so shocked and horrified when the photographer walked into the bedroom and snapped that picture." "I'm sure you were. I have to say you really are taking good care of yourself." "I've had a little work done since you and I were together," she said proud of her youthful figure. "I could tell Lola. I'm sorry he turned out to be such a gold digger." "I know you didn't really call to find out about the doorman." "No, I guess I really want to know what the story is with you and Skeeter," Stanley said as Jan held her breath and listened. "I met him at a luncheon. He's very charming," she said remembering the hour she had spent in the hotel with Stanley's son-in-law. "Did you? You know?" "Do it?" she asked. "Well, maybe," she hedged. "What did Skeeter tell your daughter Jan?" "He told her that he was just helping you avoid the press when you ran right into the photographer." "Well you only saw the two of us walking through a hotel lobby now didn't you?" she said. "Yeah, that's the picture, but what's the real story?" "Like I said Stanley, he's very charming. If Jan's divorcing him I wouldn't turn him aside." "I see," Stanley said as Jan mouthed the word 'what'? CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.