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New York Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Pictures 01/20/04 : Nasdaq Sign, Ask Jeeves, Broadway, Apartments, Brownstones "Big Beautiful NYC" Tour Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
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New York City... it's big and it's so beautiful. Here are a few of the sights.
Top right picture you see Forty Second Street adjacent to Bryant Park. In the distance you see the beautiful Chrysler Building.
Second picture you see Broadway in Times Square. Here you see the Nasdaq sign with Ask Jeeves. The sign changes every few seconds.
Third picture you see the Waverly Restaurant on Sixth Avenue in Greenwich Village. As you can see each neighborhood is different. This makes NYC life very interesting.
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Fourth picture you see the UN Building at the East River. This area is usually very quiet. There are little parks north of the UN where you can sit and watch the ships go by on the East River.
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Fifth picture you see the esplanade along the Hudson River on the other side (west) of the island of Manhattan. In the distance you see the 79th Street Boat Basin where you can dock your yacht (just in case this is your problem). The trees are part of Riverside Park. The homes across from the park on Riverside Drive are some of the most beautiful in the city.
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Bottom picture you see some of the pretty brownstone apartment buildings off of Columbus Avenue. In the background you see the San Remo Building where the very famous live overlooking Central Park.
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