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New York Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Photos for 01/06/04 : Greenwich Village, Apartments, Apts, Washington Square Park "Locations, Landmarks & Neighborhoods" Tour Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
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As they say it's all about location. Here are a few of the most famous locations and neighborhoods in NYC.
Top right picture you see the famous raging bull of Wall Street in lower Manhattan and the Financial District.
Second picture you see Park Avenue. In the distance you see the Met Life Building, formerly the Pan Am Building.
Third picture you see the beautiful Federal houses of the 1850's located in Grove Court. These apartments are located in a gated cul-de-sac making it a well kept secret to most people and a quiet spot to live in the West Village.
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Fourth picture you see the arches of Washington Square Park which have just gone through a major renovation. This is the center of Greenwich Village and it's surrounded by New York University. There are a lot of famous nightclubs in this area too.
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