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New York Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Photos for 12/25/03 : Santa Claus, Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, Toy Store "Christmas in New York City" Tour Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
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MERRY CHRISTMAS! Here are a few of the Christmas sights from our home in Manhattan.
Top right you see the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree.
Second picture was taken on a corner of Fifth Avenue. We caught Santa calling Mrs. Claus to say he's finished and on his way home. You would think she'd give him a cell phone.
Third picture you see Central Park all covered in ice and snow. We hope you're warm and happy where you are today.
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Fourth picture you see the huge Christmas ornaments near 50th Street on Avenue of The Americas (Sixth Avenue).
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Fifth picture you see kids of all ages enjoying the ice skating at Rockefeller Center. We hope all of our readers got exactly what they wanted this Christmas.
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Sixth picture you see some grateful adults saluting Santa for his good work at the FAO Schwarz Toy Store on Fifth Avenue. There's more, click here for the next page.