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New York Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Photos for 09/10/03 : Real Estate, Homes, Harlem, 5th Avenue, Bebe Billboard "Out and About in NYC" Daily Tour Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
NYC is so interesting, you never want to stay inside. Being out and about is what it's about.
Top right picture you see one of the giant Bebe billboards on Houston Street.
Second picture you see a brave guy bicycling up Fifth Avenue in midtown.
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Fourth picture you see Kenny's Castaways on Bleecker Street in Greenwich Village. Even if you aren't a club-person, you'll want to go to Greenwich Village. Just walking around in the Village is an experience like no other place in NYC.
The buildings in NYC are so beautiful and so unique. Fifth picture you see a building that once was a bank and now is home to Central Carpet in Chelsea.
Casting! All ages needed for NYC's most popular Soap Opera. Click Here!
Tours, NYC by bus, cruise, or helicopter, great ticket prices, click here.
Looking around for real estate? The homes in NYC are wonderful too. Bottom right you see a carriage house in Harlem.
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