New York City Pictures : Pennsylvania Hotel, Restaurants, Lodging : Pictures of NYC New York City pictures, daily tours and pictures of New York Hotels, New York City streets, New York City attractions, New York City museums, New York Broadway and NYC natives. See a daily NYC photo tour each day on readio.com. New York Travel on a budget for free. Lowest Prices on New York City Hotels, Save up to 70% - Click Here
New York Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Photos for 07/31/03 : Pennsylvania Hotel, Restaurants, NYC Lodging, Rock Center "NYC Hot Spots" Daily Tour Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
Here are a few of the hot spots for summertime fun in NYC.
Top right picture you see Rockefeller Center. During the summer NBC has live outdoor concerts on the Today Show. Can't beat that!
Second picture you see a New York Water Taxi with the Statue of Liberty in the background. Take a tour and see America's #1 city.
Tours, NYC by bus, cruise, or helicopter, great ticket prices, click here.
Third picture see Sushi on MacDougal Street in Greenwich Village. Be sure to take some time to enjoy the outdoor cafes and coffee houses. People watching and dining are part of summer fun in NYC.
Fourth picture you see Central Park and the Lake. In the background are the San Remo Towers to the right.
Fifth picture you see some of the historic ships of South Street Seaport Museum. In the background you see the downtown skyline of NYC. Go shopping in the mall on the pier, then have lunch and enjoy the pretty views.
Casting! All ages needed for NYC's most popular Soap Opera. Click Here!
Sixth picture you see Tavern on the Green Restaurant in Central Park. This is just the prettiest place in the world. This picture was taken in the early morning. During the evening it's all lit up with tiny white lights and some evenings there's dancing under the stars. Perfect for falling in love, over and over again.
Bottom picture you see 7th Avenue and the Pennsylvania Hotel. Save up to 70% on the Pennsylvania Hotel, click here or call 1-800-525-1350. Then use your savings to go shopping at Macy's.
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