New York Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Photos for 05/21/03 : Ghost, Days Inn Hotel, Restaurants, East Village, Jazz Greats "Pictures of Ghost and Worldly Pleasures" Daily Tour Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
You do find literally everything in New York. Today we'll show you pictures of "Ghost" and some worldly Village pleasures.
Top picture you see a café in the East Village as people enjoy the spring weather.
As promised the second NYC picture you see "Ghost" in the East Village.
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Third picture you see Tompkins Square Park in the East Village.
You'll hope to hear a ghost when you pass by the house on Avenue B pictured fourth down. This Gothic Revival style house was built in 1849. From 1950 to 1954 this was the home of Charlie "Bird" Parker, the famous alto saxophonist that was cofounder of "Bebop" music with jazz great Dizzy Gillespie.
Fifth NYC picture was taken on Bleecker Street and Lafayette Street. In the distance you see a crowd of people heading towards the filming of a new Spider Man movie. Meanwhile you see the guy with the guitar caught in his own worldly pleasure, making music.
Bottom right picture you see our featured hotel, the Days Inn Hotel at 790 8th Avenue. Click here for discount prices on hotels in NYC and worldwide or call 1-800-525-1350.
Click here for the next page on today's New York City photo tour.
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