New York Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Photos for 04/22/03 : Tribeca Grand Hotel, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Port Authority of NY "The Big, The Bold and The Busy" Daily Tour Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
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Everything about NYC is big, bold and busy! On today's photo tour we'll show you a few of the big sights.
Top right picture you see Bebe billboards on Houston Street. NYC is the advertising capital of the world. You can expect some great creative here.
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Second NYC picture you see the Empire State building on Fifth Avenue. You see this big, bold sight from many miles away.
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Third NYC picture you see big, bold and sweet! Really sweet. This is the home of Hershey's Chocolate at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Times Square. You also see the tour bus and lines of tourists getting ready to take a tour of the Big Apple. You can purchase your tour bus tickets on line, click here.
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Tours, NYC by bus, cruise, or helicopter, great ticket prices, click here.
Fourth NYC picture you see Radio City Music Hall on Sixth Avenue. Sixth Avenue or Avenue of the Americas is lined with skyscrapers which are home to corporations from around the world.
Tours, NYC by bus, cruise, or helicopter, great ticket prices, click here.
Fifth NYC picture you the Port Authority of NY on West 42nd Street. This is where you'll arrive if you take a bus to NYC. The Port Authority is a very busy place, as you can imagine.
Sixth picture you see the Wall Street Bull. This is a rare shot of the Bull when he doesn't have tourists posing beside him. He's one of the most popular tourist attractions in lower Manhattan.
Bottom NYC picture you see the Tribeca Grand Hotel. This area will soon be very busy with the second annual Tribeca Film Festival. That means movie stars, big names and lots of fun! To book your discount hotel reservations at the Tribeca Grand Hotel or any hotel worldwide click here or call 1-800-525-1350.
For the next page on today's New York City photo tour click here.
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