New York Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Photos for 03/13/03 : Astor Place, St. Mark's Place, Religious Sex, Shopping, Village "East Village Punk & Funk" Daily Tour Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
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The East Village is like a box of Crayola Crayons, it's packed with color!
Top right picture you see a deli at St. Mark's Place. As you can see this is a very American eatery, with hamburgers, French Fries and the red, white and blue.
Second NYC picture you see a billboard on 4th Avenue in the East Village.
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Third NYC picture you see the cube in the center of Astor Place. During the glory days of the 1980's, rock bands like the B-52's made their name at CBGB Club on 315 Bowery. The clubs of the East Village are still the center of the underground music movement. There are also countless numbers of ethnic restaurants in areas such as "Little India" in the East Village.
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Fourth NYC picture you see the back of Grace Church to the right and in the distance you see Astor Place.
Fifth NYC picture see some of the shops, vendors and locals on St. Mark's Place. The stores hang merchandise out in front to tempt pedestrians to stop and browse. Upstairs in the buildings you'll find stores selling music and jewelry. There are a lot of tattoo parlors and vintage clothing stores in the area. We should mention that the dress code in this area is seriously different from that of Fifth Avenue. Punk Funk Village Dress Code: Throw on vintage plaids and stripes of all colors. Spike and dye your hair in bright multi-colors. Pierce and tattoo your body . Now strut your stuff proudly. Note: Spiked dog collar necklace is optional.
Sixth NYC picture you see Religious Sex on St. Mark's Place. Maybe vintage clothing isn't your thing. Religious Sex offers some seriously lacy, pretty and fun clothes. What's important is that you express yourself. Hey, it's the village, this is America! Enjoy your freedom!
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