New York City Pictures : Grand Union Hotel, BB King Club, Broadway : Pictures of NYC
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It doesn't matter how many times you visit or how many years you live here, New York City is constantly changing. On today's photo tour we'll show you a few of the sights.
Top right picture you see 2nd Avenue on the East Side. In the distance behind the small buildings you see the Lipstick Building and the Citicorp Building in the far distance.
A trip to any roof top will give you much better views. Second NYC picture was taken on 42nd Street. You are looking down on BB Kings Jazz Club and all of the action of Times Square.
Third NYC picture was taken in Greenwich Village on Bleecker Street. Here you see you "So Good" Jewelry. The ground floors of most of the buildings in NYC are occupied by stores or restaurants.
Fourth NYC picture you see Avenue of the Americas or 6th Avenue, if you ask any New Yorker. Here you see the Time Life Building. Behind the statue is the studio of CNN News. This area is where many large businesses have their offices and Radio City Music Hall is nearby.
Fifth NYC picture was taken on Broadway and Canal Street in Chinatown. Here businesses are mostly Chinese, but you will find American fast food. (Just can't get away from that!)