New York City Pictures : Crown Plaza Hotel, Broadway, Hershey's : Pictures of NYC
New York City pictures, daily tours and pictures of New York City Hotels, New York streets, New York City attractions, New York museums, New York City Broadway and NYC natives. See a daily NYC photo tour each day on New York Travel on a budget for free!
Top right picture you see Broadway in Times Square and the Crown Plaza Hotel which is a new home to Hershey's Chocolate. You see the New York Sightseeing Tour Bus is packed with tourists. That's one way to see it fast, or you can savor the sights on Readio.
Center right picture you see a peaceful, romantic way to travel. A horse and carriage ride through Central Park will be a lasting memory.
Bottom right picture you see motorists at the Manhattan Bridge. We can't think of anything nice to say about this, except be glad you don't have sound.