NYC Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Photos for 9/14/01 : World Trade Center Collapse, New York City Attacked "World Trade Center Terror"
The morning of 9/11 will forever be in our memories. Readio's office is located in Greenwich Village with windows that once overlooked the World Trade Center Towers. Not anymore. Sad to say I watched and photographed the entire event as New York City's skyline was torn apart. Today we'll show you a few of the pictures taken on the morning of terror and the day after.
Top left picture if you zoom in you can see the imprint of where the first plane entered the tower and the fire that was burning inside in the tower.
Top center picture you see the moments after the first tower fell. I, as so many other New Yorkers, stood with my hands shaking and my heart pounding as I photographed the end of the World Trade Center.
Top right picture you see the last remaining tower moments before the collapse.
Center second picture down you see the horrible moments after the collapse of the last remaining tower.
Center right picture third down you see dawn from the rooftop of our building as the fire still burns the next morning.
Bottom right picture you see the next day as a woman rushes with her infant baby past the smoky streets filled with debris. You can see a piece of the tower behind her on the street. Click here for the next page on our daily photo tour.

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