New York Pictures : New Yorker Hotel, Hotel Pennsylvania : Pictures of NYC New York pictures, daily tours and pictures of New York Hotels, New York City streets, New York City attractions, New York City museums, New York Broadway and NYC natives. See a daily NYC photo tour each day on www.readio.com. New York Travel on a budget for free! We will show you our NYC street photo tours of restaurants, people & New York landmarks.
NYC Pictures On NY Clickers Daily Daily Photos for 6/26/01 : Madison Square Garden, New Yorker Hotel, Hotel Pennsylvania "Madison Square Garden & Midtown"
Madison Square Garden isn't square by any means as you can see from the top left picture. Madison Square Garden is New York City's sports and entertainment arena. This is also the location of Penn Station (shortened from Pennsylvania Station) which is the busiest railroad station in the country serving 600,000 people daily.
Top right you see the Empire State Building as seen from Penn Station.
Center right you see the New Yorker Hotel on 8th Avenue.
Bottom right picture you see Hotel Pennsylvania and Madison Square Garden across the street on 7th Avenue.
The shopping in this area is great too with Macy's Department Store and the Manhattan Mall only a few blocks away. Click here for the next page on today's photo tour.

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