New York Pictures : Lower East Side, Bowery, Orchard Street : Pictures of NYC New York pictures, daily tours and pictures of New York Hotels, New York City streets, New York City attractions, New York City museums, New York Broadway and NYC natives. See a daily NYC photo tour each day on www.readio.com. New York Travel on a budget for free! We will show you our NYC street photo tours of restaurants, people & New York landmarks.
NY Pictures On NYC Clickers Daily Daily Photos for 4/17/2001 : Lower East Side, Orchard Street, Bowery, Empire State "Pictures of NY, Lower East Side"
Walking the streets of the Lower East Side of New York City you will find stores owned and operated by Jewish merchants, Puerto Ricans and Dominicans.
Top left picture you see Orchard Street where the Jewish merchants sell items such as shoes, clothing, and fabrics. A few years ago the merchants displayed their items on the street. Today everyone has gone inside changing the experience dramatically.
Top right picture you see one of the stores on Orchard Street.
Center right picture you see an area known as the Bowery. In the distance you see the Empire State Building.
Bottom right picture you see another shot of Orchard Street in the Lower East Side. Click here for the next page on today's photo tour of the Lower East Side.
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