Potato Leek Soup recipe today with the daily updated recipe from NYC Chef Dr. Delicious. Recipes from an Italian, French, or Haute Cuisine Collection. Recipes include Chocolate Desserts, Spinach, Rosemary, Soup, Chicken, Salmon, Steaks, Swordfish, Beef, Chops, Veal, Pork, Filet, Sole, Rice & Pasta. Edited by New York City Chef. Lowest Prices on New York City Hotels, Save up to 70% - Click Here
NYC Chef Dr. Delicious Daily Recipes Chef's Daily Recipe for 10/28/03 : Potato Leek Soup "Potato Leek Soup" Daily Tour Pictures - Page 1 of 2 - Page 2 of 2 - Soap Opera - Daily Recipes
8 medium sized potatoes 3 leeks, white stalks only 5 cups water Salt and pepper to taste Skim milk, optional
Peel and quarter potatoes. Wash leeks thoroughly and cut stalks into 1 inch rounds. Place potatoes, leeks and water in covered pot. Simmer until vegetables are tender. Process potatoes, leeks and their water through food mill (or food processor, but texture will be bland). Stir in salt and pepper. If desired, thin with a small amount of milk. Warm briefly over low heat before serving. Serves 4. Critics rate "As the Mouse Moves" as HOT! CLICK FOR THE DAILY SOAP OPERA UPDATE ! http://www.readio.com/mouse/mouse1.html
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Dr. Delicious is a chef in NYC and a member of Chefs de Cuisine!
Readio is a daily updated NYC Magazine, Monday - Friday.
