CASTING! BECOME A STAR ON THIS INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA. SEND YOUR PHOTO, CLICK FOR DETAILS! Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday September 23rd 2003 "Tiffany are you home?" Starlene called out as she opened the door to the apartment overlooking Washington Square Park. She glanced around at the boxes lining the living room floor and knew the movers must be scheduled to come shortly. "In here," Tiffany called out from the hallway. She quickly tossed the towels in the box on the floor and closed the door to the linen closet. "You're almost completely packed aren't you?" Starlene asked smiling as her sister turned to greet her. "Yeah, this is about it. Come on let's go into the living room. I need to rest a few minutes," Tiffany said as they walked towards the living room. They both took a seat on the sofa and Starlene opened a brown paper bag and took out two Diet Cokes. "Here, I knew you'd need this," she said handing one to her sister and pulling the tab on the other one for herself. "Thanks Starlene. Well, how did it go at Jan's house?" Tiffany asked referring to the dinner that Starlene had gone to last night. "Interesting. Very interesting," Starlene said placing her Diet coke on the coffee table. "Was Jan nice to you?" she asked referring to Starlene's older lover's daughter. "Yep," Starlene said. "And Skeeter, how was he?" Tiffany asked referring to her ex-husband that had recently married Jan. "He was the most interesting part of the whole thing Tiffany," Starlene said. "Skeeter was? Why?" "You aren't going to believe this," Starlene said leaning back on the sofa wondering how Tiffany would take the news. "What?" "Skeeter wants me to work in his new lingerie store." "What? Are you kidding?" Tiffany asked laughing as she watched Starlene's face closely. "No. I'm really not kidding." "Why would he want you to work there?" "Jan is so jealous about you and Skeeter being close to each other. I mean, with you moving into the apartment above his new store." "So?" "She's also really jealous about all of these women that will be coming into the store to try on lingerie." "That's her problem." "Well, she thinks since I'm her father's lover I'm probably the only person she can trust," Starlene said laughing. "So Jan's for you working there?" "Well, she wanted him to get out of the lease at first, but when he couldn't that was the only thing she could come up with." "Well, I'll be..." Tiffany said in her southern accent. "Yeah, it was shocking. Everything about it was so shocking. I mean going over to Jan's house for dinner in that fancy mansion. Then your ex-husband Skeeter being the master of the house and all," Starlene said remembering the elaborate dinner. "Well, surely you told them that you wouldn't do it," Tiffany said taking a sip of her Coke. "No. I told them I would," Starlene said. "You didn't! How could you Starlene?" Tiffany asked slamming her Diet Coke on the coffee table. "Just for a while Tiffany. I mean he needs someone to model the new lingerie for the newspaper ads. That will help to jump-start my modeling career. I need the publicity," Starlene said. "I don't believe this," Tiffany said jumping up from the sofa and walking towards the windows to look down at Washington Square Park. "No one's on my side," she said wiping a tear from her cheek. "I'll always be on your side. You'll see. I'll protect you from Skeeter and Jan, you'll see. It'll help you," Starlene said surprised by her sister's reaction. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.