CASTING! BECOME A STAR ON THIS INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA. SEND YOUR PHOTO, CLICK FOR DETAILS! Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Friday August 15th 2003 Skeeter glanced through the Village Herald Newspaper as he sat on the barstool in the kitchen of his wife's Upper East Side mansion. He heard the sounds of Jan's high heels on the floor as she walked into the kitchen. "Morning Jan," he said glancing up over the newspaper to see her dressed in one of her designer suits all ready to go to work. "Skeeter here you are in your underwear again. Aren't you going into the office today?" she asked noticing his bare chest and legs. "Maybe later," he said as his eyes focused to read the small print in the real estate section. "You better go in. You know Bob will call me and want to know if you've quit," she said referring to her friend that owned the large lingerie company where Skeeter was employed as a salesman. "Tell him I quit," Skeeter said picking up his mug of coffee and taking a loud sip. "Not until we figure out what to do," she said referring to his proposal that she set him up with his own lingerie store. "Figure out what to do? I'm going to find a store today," he said picking up a pen from the bar and circling an advertisement for a storefront on Bleecker Street in the Village. "You should talk to Bob. I mean he was nice enough to hire you when I asked him to," Jan said kissing her husband on the cheek and picking up her purse to leave. "Alright, alright. I'll call Bob," Skeeter said smiling as he watched her walk down the hallway towards the living room. "Have a good day," he said waving to her then quickly turning his attention back to the real estate section. He heard the front door close and he knew Jan had left for the office. He put the newspaper down and picked up the telephone on the bar and dialed the familiar phone number. "Hello," Nicole answered. "Nicki, how you doing Baby?" Skeeter asked. "Skeeter hi. I was thinking about calling you later today," she said as she remembered their long hours of passion in his apartment shortly after she married Clark. "Oh really. You know what they say about great minds thinking alike." "Yeah. How's it going for you?" "Great." "Really. I'm surprised I thought by now you would be telling me you had split just like I did," she said referring to her recently leaving her husband Clark to move back to Florida where her father is the mob boss. "No. I don't think I'll be leaving yet. Things are starting to get really good here. Jan's old man offered to put me into business if I'd leave his daughter." "Really? Stanley really doesn't want you in the family. Does he?" she asked remembering the affair she had with the older man that could have cost him his life when her father found out about it. "Yeah, he still hates me. But it gets even better Baby," Skeeter said laughing. "What?" "Jan made me the same offer to stay with her." "Well, what did you decide?" "I'll stay for now. I don't have anything to lose and everything to gain. How are you doing down there?" "Hating it. My father has been nagging me the entire time I've been back. He wants to fix me up with some sons of his gangster friends." "Nothing you're interested in?" "No. I miss New York. I think I'm coming back," she said as she glanced out of the window to see Vinny coming towards her front door. "Your old man know that?" "Yeah, I told him I was leaving." "I guess he's taking it pretty hard." "Not too bad. It turns out that Vinny wants to move to New York too. So Daddy's okay with it." "Vinny's your Father's right hand man isn't he?" "Yeah, but Vinny will take care of business in New York. Daddy's got somebody else for the Florida position." "So Vinny's moving back with you?" "Yeah, we'll be in town soon. But don't tell Clark, okay?" "Of course not Baby." "I'll probably finalize the divorce before Clark knows I'm back," she said as Vinny walked into the living room and took off his sunglasses. "We'll have to get together. I've missed you." "You'll be the first one I call," she said smiling. "Maybe I'll shop in your new store." CONTINUED MONDAY. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.