The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
BE CAST AS AN INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA STAR! Stars: Tiffany Diamond, Skeeter Diamond, Starlene, Clark Masters Nicole Masters, Jan Morgan, Stanley Morgan, and Amir Hada.
Clark recently married Nicole the daughter of a crime boss in Florida (only he refuses to believe the newspaper reports). Nicole's been cheating on Clark. Nicole's Father sent Vinny to straighten it out.
CASTING! BECOME A STAR ON THIS INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA. SEND YOUR PHOTO, CLICK FOR DETAILS! Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Friday May 30th 2003 Tiffany watched as her boss Clark walked past her desk with Nicole's family friend Vinny. Vinny had stopped by to talk to Clark on behalf of Nicole's mob boss father in Florida. "Take messages for me please Tiffany," Clark said as he approached the swinging door to his kitchen behind Tiffany's desk in the townhouse where they worked. "Oh sure," Tiffany said glancing down at her paperwork to hide the curiosity she was feeling about the big brute that had stopped by to visit Clark. She heard the swinging doors close shut and she listened to the sounds of the two men taking a seat at the bar in the kitchen nearby. Tiffany could tell by Clark's demeanor that he wasn't happy. Vinny hadn't paid a visit to the office since Clark had married Nicole. She couldn't help but wonder why he would come all the way from Florida to relay a message from Nicole's Father. Her curiosity mounted as she heard the sounds of the men's voices. She noticed a stack of bills that needed to be faxed and the machine near the kitchen door. She picked up the bills and quietly tiptoed towards the machine. At least if the men came out she would look busy and they wouldn't suspect she was listening to their conversation. She keyed in the first phone number and stepped towards the kitchen door to listen as the fax machine started to send. "When did her Father tell you that?" Clark asked. "He said Nicki called him a few times complaining," Vinny said. "What did she say?" "She says she thinks she made a mistake," Vinny said. "Mistake?" "Yeah. She told her Father it wasn't workin' out for you two's." "You mean our marriage?" "That's what she told him." "I don't understand." "Has she been happy or not?" "Well, I thought she was. I mean I've never been married before but I thought we were doing great." "She says she ain't happy. She says she was confused when you two's got married." "I'll talk to her." "She's your wife and everything, but I don't think it's going to work out." "What? How can you say that." "Her Father wants her to come back to Florida to stay." "Nicole would never do that," Clark said his voice filled with strain. "Yeah, she would. She wants to come back home to Florida." "Well, I'll move there with her," Clark said. "It ain't like that. She wants to come back to the nest, so to speak." "Nest? Nicole's well cared for here. She doesn't have to work. I give her everything she wants. She does anything she wants. I just don't understand this," Clark said his voice rising in pain. "Nicki's an only child. There ain't much you can do in this here situation," Vinny said. "I'll talk to her." "She already told her father there she wants a divorce. She says she wants to come back to Florida and live." "This is unbelievable," Clark said. "She's my life. Besides that I've spent all this time working on parties in Florida for her father and let my business slide here in the city." "Her father is willing to compensate you for your troubles," Vinny said. The phone rang on Tiffany's desk causing her to jump and the stack of bills hit the floor. CONTINUED MONDAY. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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What will Clark do? Is this the end of his marriage to the two timing daughter of a crime boss?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom Copyright 1999-2003.
