The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
BE CAST AS AN INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA STAR! Stars: Tiffany Diamond, Skeeter Diamond, Starlene, Clark Masters Nicole Masters, Jan Morgan, Stanley Morgan, and Amir Hada.
Tiffany and Skeeter just divorced. Skeeter just married Jan for money and connections. Jan's father Stanley is engaged to Tiffany's sister Starlene. Skeeter has never been faithful, will he now?
CASTING! BECOME A STAR ON THIS INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA. SEND YOUR PHOTO, CLICK FOR DETAILS! Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday May 13th 2003 Starlene placed her mug on the coffee table and picked up the ringing phone. "Hello," she answered glancing out of the window of the apartment overlooking Washington Square Park. "Hey there Starlene. How ya doing?" Skeeter asked in his slow southern accent. "I'm fine Skeeter how are you?" "Hanging in there. Is Tiffany around?" "No she's still at work. Is it true what I heard Skeeter?" she asked referring to the bombshell her older lover Stanley had mentioned the other night. "What are you talking about?" "You know what I'm talking about Skeeter. Stanley told me that you and Jan went to Las Vegas the other night to get married." "Yeah, it's true," he said his voice filled with regret. "Wow!" Starlene said shocked that her handsome ex-brother-in-law would marry her lover's daughter Jan. "I called to tell Tiffany. I don't want her to hear about it from the news or something like that." "She knows Skeeter. I mean she knows you might have married Jan. She was here when Stanley stopped by to pick me up for dinner." "What did Stanley have to say about it?" "He's not too happy about it Skeeter." "I know. The old man didn't want her marrying a lowly lingerie salesman like me." "Why did you do it then?" she asked knowing Skeeter always had plenty of girlfriends even when he'd been married to her sister. "Why not?" "Money?" "It don't hurt. Does it honey?" "Is that why?" "Come on Starlene. You're hoping to marry Jan's old man. That old man isn't exactly your type. You're marrying him for money aren't you?" "I don't know." "What do you mean?" "I mean I don't know if we'll get married or not." "You're engaged though. Aren't you?" he asked remembering the big diamond that Stanley had given Starlene. "Yeah, we're engaged but I'm not going to worry anymore about whether he marries me or not." "You've sure changed. I thought you couldn't wait to hook that rich old man." "Well, I'm going to give him an ultimatum. If he doesn't marry me then he has to get his publisher friend to let me pose for Playbody." "You'd be better off posing than you would marrying that old man anyway." "Well, I don't know about that. But I'm not going to sit around like this much longer I can tell you that," Starlene said glancing up when she heard the front door open. "Guess what? Tiffany just walked in Skeeter." "Do you think I should tell her?" Skeeter asked. "Hold on Skeeter," Starlene said putting her hand over the phone and glancing up at Tiffany. "It's Skeeter. Do you want to talk to him?" "No. Tell him I know and I don't care," Tiffany said walking towards her bedroom. "I heard her," Skeeter said. "I hate that so much. You know I'll never really love anybody but Tiffany," he said honestly his voice filled with regret. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.
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If Skeeter does really love Tiffany will he stay married to Jan?
"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of characters, locations, etc. is purely coincidental. "As the Mouse Moves"© is an original Readiocom Copyright 1999-2003.
