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The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
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Stars: Tiffany Diamond, Skeeter Diamond, Starlene, Clark Masters Nicole Masters, Jan Morgan, Stanley Morgan, and Amir Hada.
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Tiffany's in love with Amir. She waited for years while his wife was in a coma... then she awoke to be abducted. Tiffany went to dinner at the Plaza Hotel tonight with Brandon. Amir called with big news.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday April 29th 2003
"Let's talk about our wedding Stanley," Starlene said as her older lover struggled with the hook on her lingerie.
"Come on honey.  We have to take advantage of my mood," he said hoping it would last.
"Stanley I want to plan our wedding," she said struggling to see his face in the candlelight of her apartment overlooking Washington Square Park.
"Come on Starlene.  Don't you want to on the sofa?  We never get to because Tiffany's always around," he said referring to her sister.
"I guess," she said as his lips met hers.  The hook on her lingerie released and his hands eagerly explored the warmth of her skin under the spring sweater she was wearing. 
"Starlene are you home?" Tiffany called out as she opened the door of the apartment.
"Let me up Stanley," Starlene said yanking her sweater down as she heard the front door slam.
"Damn," Stanley whispered as he straightened his tie.
"Hi.  Oh, I'm sorry I hope I didn't interrupt you," Tiffany said as she noticed the candles and their disheveled hair.
"No.  We were just talking," Starlene said arranging her push up lingerie back into place with her anatomy.
"I should just get to bed early. So don't let me bother you," Tiffany said starting towards her bedroom.
"No!  We weren't doing anything were we Stanley?"
"No. Nothing at all," Stanley muttered before taking a sip of his wine.
"Tell me Tiffany... tell me what happened," Starlene asked raising her eyebrows and staring at her sister.
"Nothing really," Tiffany said nodding her head towards Stanley as if she didn't want to talk in front of him.
"How's Brandon?" Stanley asked glancing up unaware that Tiffany didn't want him to know about her date.
"You told him," Tiffany said glaring at Starlene.
"Stanley was here when you called. He won't tell anyone.  Will you Stanley?"
"Of course not," Stanley said hoping she would talk freely in front of him about her evening in the hotel with Brandon Douglas.
"Did you Tiffany?  You know...
do it?" Starlene asked.
"Starlene that's no way to talk," Tiffany said frowning.
"Oh okay.  Don't tell me then.  I would tell you though if I went to bed with a wealthy Broadway theatre owner."
"You better not do anything like that," Stanley said.
"You better marry me Stanley."
"Look it was my first date with Brandon," Tiffany said taking a seat in the chair across from the sofa where they were seated.
"Took you a long time to get home from his room," Starlene said glancing at the clock on the mantle.
"We talked a lot."
"I bet," Starlene said wishing Stanley weren't there so her sister would tell her what Brandon was like.
"You better tell Tiffany now," Stanley said in a serious voice.
"Tell me what?"
"Oh yeah," Starlene said as her voice took on a grave tone.
"What Starlene? Tell me what?"
"Amir called," Starlene said picking up her wineglass and taking a long sip.
'Oh, God. You didn't tell him I was with Brandon at the Plaza Hotel did you?"
"No," Starlene said shaking her head.
"Is he back in New York?"
"No.  He's still on his island and he said he would be there at least another week."
"Oh," Tiffany said thinking she would have time to decide how to handle their relationship.
"He has bad news Tiffany, but good news for you. Well it would have been good news for you... Before tonight and you and Brandon at the Plaza Hotel." She braced herself to tell her sister that her lover's wife had died.

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How will Tiffany take the news?  Will Amir find out Tiffany was with Brandon tonight?

"As The Mouse Moves" is a work of fiction. Any similarity of
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