CASTING! BECOME A STAR ON THIS INTERACTIVE SOAP OPERA. SEND YOUR PHOTO, CLICK FOR DETAILS! Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Tuesday April 8th 2003 Nicole tapped Tiffany's desk with her long manicured nails as she glared down at her. Clark walked to the chair next to Tiffany's desk and took a seat watching the two women. "Tiffany we really have to get some things straight right way," Nicole said feeling her face burning with anger. "What's the matter with you Nicole?" Tiffany asked closing her appointment book on her desk. She glanced up pretending she didn't know that Nicole would be upset that Brandon Douglas had stopped by while Nicole was in Florida with her husband Clark. "Why did Brandon call here and say he would get your home number?" Nicole asked. "I guess he wants to call me about something." "Like what? Why would he want to call you at home Tiffany?" Nicole asked. "I don't know." "Brandon just called and said he stopped by while we were in Florida and picked up some company brochures to give his publicity people," Clark said glancing towards Tiffany for affirmation. "That's right," Tiffany said wishing she could laugh at Nicole's jealousy. "What did you give him besides the brochures?" Nicole said putting her hands on her hips. "I don't like the way that sounds," Tiffany said. "Nicole, that didn't sound very nice. And besides Brandon seemed very satisfied with the way Tiffany handled everything," Clark said pleased that he might get some new business from the millionaire. "Yes, I think he was pleased. I gave him brochures and he said he'd give them to his people and maybe give us some business," Tiffany said trying to appear professional. "What else went on in here Tiffany?" Nicole asked pacing in front of Tiffany's desk. "Nothing, I went to lunch with him that's all," Tiffany said remembering the romantic lunch in the Oak Room of the Plaza Hotel. "Lunch?" Nicole snapped. "Yes, like food." "Who gave you permission to leave work and go off to lunch with my client?" Nicole asked as she stopped her pacing to stare at Tiffany. "Stanley was here and he said I should go." "Stanley? Oh," Nicole said certain she couldn't attack a wealthy client like Stanley. "Yes, he and Starlene were here and they watched the office while I was out," Tiffany said referring to her sister and her wealthy older lover. "You should have called us in Florida and asked," Nicole said as she resumed her pacing. "Oh come on Nicki. She might be helping us get some new business," Clark said. "Helping us? What are you crazy? She's helping herself to a new man, that's what's going on here," Nicole snapped. "That's not fair!" Tiffany said glancing towards Clark for reinforcement. "No, that's not fair Nicole. Maybe Tiffany can schmooze him and get us some business. I get tired of traveling to Florida for your Father's business. We need more parties in the city," Clark said smiling at Tiffany. "Come on Clark! She went out with Amir when you told her not to see clients, now's she's doing it again," Nicole said. "Well, what's done is done," Clark said thinking about the potential money Brandon could spend when his new theater opened on Broadway. "Okay, fine then. I'll see what Amir has to say when he finds out she's moved on to another man while the police search for his missing wife," Nicole said turning quickly and starting towards the stairs. "Wait Nicki, where are you going?" Clark asked. "Upstairs to make some calls," she snapped. CONTINUED TOMORROW. MORE SOAP PHOTOS BELOW.