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The Soap Opera "As the Mouse Moves" is the web's most popular daily updated short story out of all the online books, fiction, series stories and web soap operas online today. This daily soap opera depicting the NYC lives of a single woman, a party planner, and an international spa owner is NYC's original photo drama. Follow the love life and romance of a small town girl becoming part of the New York experience. "As the Mouse Moves" is part of Readio NY Magazine featuring daily recipes, daily photo tours and this daily soap opera.
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Stars: Tiffany Diamond, Skeeter Diamond, Starlene, Clark Masters Nicole Masters, Jan Morgan, Stanley Morgan, and Amir Hada.
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Stanley is engaged to Starlene.  Tiffany just got back from her estranged husband Skeeter's apartment.  Skeeter just became engaged to Stanley's daughter Jan.  Skeeter's marrying for money.
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Soap Opera "As The Mouse Moves" - Friday January 24th 2003
"Skeeter are you there?  Please pick up if you're there," Tiffany said into her estranged husband's answering machine.  He'd just called and left a message that he wanted to finish what he had started with Tiffany before she left his apartment tonight.  Tiffany was worried that Jan might stop by and catch them together so she came home early interrupting her sister Starlene and her lover Stanley.
"Look I'm going home," Stanley said buttoning his overcoat as he approached the front door of the apartment overlooking Washington Square Park.
"When Stanley?  When are we ever going to set our wedding date?  I thought it would be tonight and now you're leaving," Starlene whined.
"It's bad timing Starlene. Can't you see that Tiffany and Skeeter are really seriously considering getting back together?"
"I don't know, all I want to do is get a date set as to when I'll be Mrs. Morgan," she said.
"Later," he whispered.
"If you don't soon set the date Stanley, I swear to you... I'll find somebody else that wants to get married," she said.
"I promise honey," he said eyeing her voluptuous bosom in the tight low cut sweater she was wearing.
"You do?" she asked noticing where his eyes were then pressing her bosom into his arm.
"I do," he said surprised to feel the passion stirring in him so soon after Tiffany had come home and interrupted them.
"Skeeter's already left," Tiffany said hanging up the phone and turning to look at Stanley and Starlene standing near the front door.
"Well don't worry about it," Stanley said.
"Stanley, I want to assure you that Skeeter and I were just talking.  We were talking about our divorce," Tiffany said as she walked into the hallway where he and Starlene were standing.  She wondered if Stanley would tell Jan about the message he overheard Skeeter leaving on the machine a few minutes ago.
"Now Tiffany.  You really expect me to believe that?  I heard him say he 'couldn't spend another night without you and he wants to finish what the two of you started at his apartment'" Stanley said grinning broadly.
"It's not like it sounded. I promise you," Tiffany lied as she remembered how close she and Skeeter had come to renewing their passion earlier tonight.
"Yeah, sounds like the two of you were doin' it to me," Starlene said laughing.
"That's not funny!  Skeeter's engaged now.  We were just talking over the divorce," Tiffany said angrily.
"Okay.  Okay. I have to go or he'll be here soon," Stanley said edging closer to the door.
"You won't tell Jan will you?" Tiffany asked.
"No.  I won't tell unless she finds out somehow," Stanley said as he opened the front door to leave.
"Thanks Stanley," Tiffany said.
Stanley hit the button on the wall in the hallway to call the elevator as he buttoned the top button on his heavy coat.
"Stanley you promise we'll set the date?" Starlene asked.
"Yeah honey. I promise."
"Or no more, you-know-what Stanley," she said in her southern accent as she threw her shoulders back and put her hands on her hips.
"Okay," he grimaced as he stepped into the elevator.
Starlene closed the door satisfied that she would pin him down tomorrow night.  The elevator descended slowly to the lobby of the apartment building across from Washington Square Park.  Stanley stepped out of the elevator into the lobby as the doorman opened the door for Skeeter to come in.

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